Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Why You Should Invest in Your Skin in Your 20s

Why You Should Invest in Your Skin in Your 20s

Attention, ladies! All of those less-than-great skincare habits will one day catch up with you. I know we’re all guilty of forgetting sunscreen sometimes or falling asleep with makeup on after a night out, but it’s always a great time to start treating your skin with a little more TLC.

As soon as you enter your twenties, your skin gradually begins to slow its collagen production. This is a big deal because collagen is what makes your skin appear supple.

While there’s nothing wrong with looking older, most of us want to go about it gracefully. This requires maintaining our skin’s health.

Ready to embark on a lifetime of gorgeous skin? Here’s why you should invest in your skin in your 20s.

BB Cream with Sunscreen


There is nothing more important than SPF, but not all sunscreens are created equally. I’d highly recommend reading up on some of the differences between physical and chemical sunscreen.

I’ve found the natural, mineral options to be the best. Above all though, avoid sunscreens with avobenzone. Instead opt for zinc oxide.

Seychelles Island Travel Inspiration

Sun Exposure

While sunscreen is an absolute must, the sun still damages our skin under the surface even when we wear SPF. To keep your skin as glowy as ever, avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible, especially on your face.

Whether I’m in the desert, at the beach or in the mountains, I opt for physical protection. Think wide-brimmed hats, scarves and maxi skirts.

Morning & Night Skincare Routine

Cleanse, tone, moisturize and repeat! I make sure to follow this three-step process twice a day, every day. Of course, everyone has different needs, so you’ll want to tweak your skincare routine accordingly.

If your skin is dry, you might want to opt for micellar water in the morning rather than a cleanser. And, if you have oily skin, look for moisturizers without mineral oil.

You may be surprised at how your skin responds to certain products or ingredients, so experimentation can be good. Though, whatever your skin type, stick to a solid cleanse, tone and moisturize routine.

Blonde getting dermapen

Preventative Skincare

Once you’ve locked down a daily routine, it’s time to think about special treatments for your skin. I’m about to hit 30, and traveling hasn’t been the kindest to my skin. That’s why I’m opting to give my skin everything that it needs to stay happy and healthy.

Here are the cornerstones of my skincare routine:

Regular Facials: This is a must at any age! After a long flight, I always head for a facial to indulge my skin after that punishing airplane air.

Peels And Needling: Once you start seeing fine lines, it’s time to ramp up your skin’s collagen production. Chemical peels are amazing for that! Often, they just use ingredients as simple as the acid in fruit to remove dead skin and push your body’s natural healing system into overdrive.

Needling is a newer trend, and I’m bananas for it! Your skin is numbed before the procedure, so you’re not doubled over in pain during the treatment.

It works on the same basic principles as a peel. By creating minuscule holes in your skin, it signals to your body that it’s time to start the healing process.

It works wonders for acne scars and fine lines. Each time you have a session, your skin will create a fresh new layer of collagen.

Botox: You’ve probably heard of this one too, so let’s tackle some of its misconceptions. First up, Botox isn’t permanent, so it’s something you’ll have to maintain with future appointments.

Starting with Botox in your 20s is an ideal way to avoid deep wrinkles. And, that frozen, I’ve-just-had-Botox look is not what you’ll end up with should you visit a trusted doctor.

Also, it’s important not to confuse Botox with fillers. Anti-wrinkle injections like Botox will temporarily block signals from your nerves to your facial muscles. Fillers, on the other hand, are injected into your skin to fill in wrinkles.

SKIN Skincare Clinic in Cape Town

See a Dermatologist

Seeing a dermatologist is the most vital piece of advice I will share regarding skin care. If you ever have a question about your skin, see a dermatologist.

If you have skin spots, moles, or anything else peculiar appear on your skin, don’t put off making that appointment. If you have a family history of melanoma, it’s especially important to pay close attention to skin irregularities or any other changes in moles.

Read Next: Travel-Friendly Beauty Routines for Every Budget

The post Why You Should Invest in Your Skin in Your 20s appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad https://ift.tt/2JzcieA

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