Monday, February 13, 2017

The Best Time to Go to Vietnam

The Best Time to Go to Vietnam

You can find my 10 Day Vietnam Itinerary HERE!

One of the safest and cheapest destinations in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is an incredible year-round destination. Whether you are traveling solo or with friends, this is definitely a place that you won’t want to miss.

Narrowing down the best time to go to Vietnam is a bit tricky. The country is 600 miles long, and while that might not seem huge, it’s incredibly diverse, and the weather varies a lot from place to place.

Here’s what you need to know about the seasons and the best time to go to Vietnam!

Delicious Vietnamese soup

Vietnam in the Winter

  • Months: December to February

Vietnam can get incredibly hot, so winter is a good time to travel if you prefer more temperate weather. Vietnamese New Year, Tết, is the biggest celebration of the year, and this is one of the best times to visit.

The dry season in the northwest starts in October and goes through March. This period is the best time to visit. It does get cold in the mountains though, so bring a warm jacket. In Sapa, it’s not unusual to see snow in December and January.

The weather is also dry in Hanoi and the wider North Vietnam region.

You’ll see temps ranging from sixty-two to seventy-one degrees Fahrenheit. Generally speaking, anytime between October and March is comfortable for trekking around and seeing the sights.

In Central Vietnam, the monsoon season ends in December. While the temps dip to into the sixties, you’ll see afternoon highs pushing the eighties by February. In the south, the wet season ends in early November, and you’ll find similarly warm weather there too.

If you are looking for a tropical beach escape, winter is a great time to visit Phu Quoc. Just pack a bikini, and you’re set!

Tip: Central Vietnam is home to the world’s largest cave, Son Doong, and you won’t want to miss it. The weather down there is always more extreme, so you’ll want to pack warm clothes for a winter visit.

Green hills of Vietnam

Vietnam in the Spring

  • Months: March to April

March and April weather is warm and dry in the north, which means it’s still a great time to visit. In Hanoi and around Ha Long Bay, you’ll find temps in the sixties with high humidity and the occasional drizzle. Farther south, you’ll see steamy weather between seventy and ninety degrees.

While you will usually have gorgeous sunny skies, you’ll still want to plan for rain. A lot of locals wear thin plastic ponchos, which can be a good solution. If you wear anything too thick, you’ll overheat, so opt for ultra lightweight materials.

Tip: While the weather will start heating up in the spring, locals stay pretty covered up. Be sure to bring a few outfits that cover your shoulders and legs. Think maxi dresses and thin scarves.

While you can wear whatever you want to the beach, it’s good to have something more modest to wear around town and in temples.

SHOP my Vietnam-travel essentials!

Summer weather in Vietnam

Vietnam in the Summer

  • Months: May to September

While the farthest corners of the north can still be chilly, most of Vietnam is hot all summer long. If you are looking to travel all of Vietnam, you’ll find the most consistently nice weather from May to June.

The middle of the country is hot and dry while the southern and northern parts are in the midst of the rainy seasons.

If this is your first monsoon season, get ready for some serious rain.

The skies open up for incredible downpours. On days pushing one hundred degrees, this can be a massive relief. It can also mean long-term rain. It just comes down to luck really, and you should have some backup activities in mind.

Summer is Vietnam’s most popular season. If you are traveling around the coast, expect the highest prices of the year (though it’s still super cheap), and book your accommodation well in advance to beat the rush.

Boats in Vietnam

Vietnam in the Autumn

  • Months: October to November

Not too hot, not too rainy; you’ll love fall in Vietnam. If you are going to Hanoi, October and November are the best times of year. You’ll find dry days averaging around seventy degrees, which is perfect for sightseeing. Throughout the rest of the country, you’ll find pretty dry weather and temps in the mid to upper sixties.

One of the best things about fall in Vietnam is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This incredible festival is unlike anything you’ve ever seen with lanterns lighting up the night sky and lion dancers taking to the streets. This is the perfect time to chow down on some mooncakes and learn about life in Vietnam.

READ NEXT: The Solo Female Traveler’s Guide To Vietnam



The Best Time to Go to Vietnam is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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