Tuesday, February 7, 2017

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit The Galápagos

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit The Galapagos

Baby seals playing

Colorful Galapagos crabs

Flamingo in the water

Dingy boat in the Galapagos

Fissure on Isla Fernandina

Hidden iguanas on Isla Fernandina

National Park of The Galapagos sign

Shore excursion with Ecoventura

Sealions in the Galapagos

Snorkeling with seals in San Cristobal

Giant Galapagos tortoise

Lots of Galapagos tortoises

Seal spotting

On board MV Origin yacht

Lounging on board MV Origin

Bird watching in The Galapagos

Colorful crabs on volcanic rocks

Cynthia Rowley wetsuit

Iguana on Isla Fernandina

Staying at Golden Bay Hotel

I recently took my first trip to Ecuador, and I was so excited to visit The Galápagos and to snorkel with penguins, see Galápagos Tortoises, kayak alongside sea lions, and see the volcanic formations.

The Galápagos Islands are what I would consider an off-the-grid destination– and because of that, the islands have the most pristine and well-preserved beauty I’ve ever experienced.

Never have I ever encountered wildlife so unafraid and curious of humans; it was remarkable!

The Galápagos National Park has taken incredible measures to protect all forms of nature and, in doing so, we can interact with birds, reptiles and animals more than anywhere else I’ve been in the world.

While exploring different islands on our luxury Ecoventura cruise, we always kept our distance and never touched the animals, but they would come right up to us– as curious and awestruck as we were to see them.

It was absolute magic. You HAVE to visit The Galápagos!

In addition to cruising the islands, I stayed a few days on San Cristobal Island at the Golden Bay Hotel, so I could explore more of the local culture and get some great dives in. I cannot express enough how amazing the marine life was to see!

READ NEXT: Tips on Getting to the Galápagos


My Galápagos travel essentials!

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit The Galápagos is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad http://ift.tt/2lkudZA

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