Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Ultimate Resource for Travel Planning Websites

Travel Planning Websites

As much as I adore traveling, planning for adventures can be a major pain. Fortunately, after years of globetrotting, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve! From discovering travel inspiration to booking all the essentials, here are a few sites and programs that I couldn’t live without.

Here are the top travel planning websites!

Travel Visas

– – Travel Insurance – –

First things first, let’s talk about travel insurance. This admittedly dull topic is often ignored by travelers but it is essential that you be informed of your options.

Far too many travelers think that their home insurance plan will cover them abroad, but that’s often not the case. The majority of health plans will cover little or no part of healthcare out of their area. Having an emergency away from home can be truly devastating to your bank account. It’s not worth the risk!

And it’s not just about healthcare. A good travel insurance plan will cover lost documents, theft, illnesses before your trip, lost luggage, emergency prescriptions, shady travel agencies, and other scarier issues like natural disasters, terrorism, and civil war.

These things can be absolute nightmares to deal with solo so travel insurance is a must-have. I’ve been using World Nomad travel insurance and would never be without it.

Read More: Ten Reasons to Get Travel Insurance for your Next Trip

Booking Flights with Dohop

– – Flights – –

My go-to website for cheap flights is Dohop. It compares more flights than any other travel site and doesn’t charge you a cent for it! I always find the best options there and rarely even bother price checking other sites anymore.

When it comes to frequent flier miles, PointsGuy is priceless. You can find the best deals for frequent flyer miles and hotel points there. The site always has the latest news on exclusive deals and freebies.

Before I go on a long flight, I always check out Seat Guru. It’s got insider tips on the best place to sit on any plane as well as other ultra-helpful guides on in-flight shopping and amenities that can make your trip a lot more enjoyable.

Read More: Top Tips for Finding Cheap Flights

The Nines Hotel

– – Accommodations – –

Before you fork over your hard-earned cash to anyone, it’s best to do a bit of internet stalking.

When I’m planning a solo adventure, I search HostelWorld for accommodation. There are so many cool hostels to stay in and meet fellow travelers. Hostel World has millions of reviews on tens of thousands of hostels and it also provides a 100% booking guarantee with no booking fees.

For hotels, I’ll check HotelsCombined first to see if I can get some discounted rates as it compare rates from all the top search sites! You’ll find that is one of the best comparison sites for hotels as well!

Besides hostels and hotels, I also love to check out It’s a great resource for really getting to know the local culture and seeing how people actually live. I’ve met and stayed with so many awesome people from here.

Last but certainly not least, I am obsessed with Airbnb. Whether you want a couch or a castle to crash in, it’s got you covered. Sometimes I even browse the site just to drool over home decor from around the globe. If you aren’t already signed up, do it now!

Read More: How to Find Cheap Accommodation Around the World

Train Travel Europe

– – Getting Around – –

If you will be in Europe, you’ve got to check out Eurail. You can discover 28 European countries by train. I have to admit that every time I travel Eurail I feel like a vintage silver-screen goddess exploring distant lands.

Fantasies aside, it’s also the perfect way to meet other travelers and locals.

While I know it can be a bit scary to drive in a foreign country, I love the freedom of having wheels abroad. If you don’t already have one, I would highly recommend getting an international driver’s license.

It’ll allow you to easily rent a car anywhere and it opens up so many more travel options. When you are ready to go, check out Skyscanner for rental options.

Pinterest Screenshot

– – Pinterest – –

Pinterest is easily my favorite travel planning site! Explore the world from your couch to get inspired.

Once you’ve got a destination in mind, discover local travel tips, get packing guides, and start creating your own board for your destination. It’s the best way to organize everything in one spot.

Read More: How to Use Pinterest to Plan Your Next Trip

READ NEXT: 6 Things to Remember Before Every Trip


SHOP my favorite travel essentials!

The Ultimate Resource for Travel Planning Websites is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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