Friday, March 25, 2016

Reasons to Live Large This Year


Adventure is important for self-growth. When we dive into the unknown and push ourselves to explore unfamiliar territories, even in the smallest way, we open ourselves to new possibilities.

Solo travel is just one of the outlets to adventure that I frequent—not only does it teach us about ourselves, it teaches us about this wide, wonderful, exciting, and beautiful world around us.

Everyone has an adventure in mind that maybe they’ve been hesitant to do, or something that would really push their limits. And that’s why I’m here to tell you to GO BIG!

How I Chose to Live Large This Year

This year, I tested my limit by facing two of my biggest fears—depths and heights!

Diving in Oahu


I’ve been diving in different destinations around the world, but each destination offers a different kind of experienceand safety risks. When I visiting the Hawaiian island of Oahu this past fall, I decided to scuba dive for the first time with sharks, shipwrecks and tropical reefs of the island.

Once I finally let go of my fear and put my trust in myself, it was amazing to look around at the dreamlike, stunning marine world below the surface.

Stairway to Heaven Oahu


To face my fear of heights, I climbed the Stairway to Heaven, a beautiful hike with breathtaking, panoramic vistas. The hike was one of the most challenging I had ever done. At some points, the trail narrowed to barely a foot wide.

On both sides of my feet were steep drop-offs of more than 1,000 feet! To top it all off, the weather is unpredictable and prone to sudden gusts of wind. But I completed the hike and came back more confident and more self-assured than I have ever been.

I know what I am capable of, and I’m excited to see what self-imposed limits I’ll continue to challenge!

Sea the Possibilities Challenge

The #SeaThePossibilities Challenge

This year, in partnership with Chicken of the Sea, I want to push everyone to to get out of their comfort zone in any shape or form, and take that plunge you’ve been wanting to. I encourage everyone to enter the #SeaThePossibilities Challenge like I did this past year.

The challenge is pretty simple… Seize the day for a chance to win!

To Enter:

1. Choose one of three categories: In the Kitchen, Better Every Day, or Go Big.

2. Capture your story by submitting a video, photo or essay.

3. Share your story on Instagram or Twitter using the #SeaThePossibilities hashtag, and you are entered to win!

The grand prize winner receives $5,000, three winners each month receive $1,000, chosen from 9 monthly winners, and every person who enters the challenge receives a $1.00 off coupon from Chicken of the Sea.


Adventure in Oahu

Now, how are you going to Live Large?

This article was written in partnership with Chicken of the Sea. As always, I would never endorse a product I did not believe in. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reasons to Live Large This Year is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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