Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Preventative Skin Care in Your 20s: Facials and Peels

Preventative Skin Care in Your 20s: Facials & Chemical Peels

You’ve probably heard the old expression: “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it comes to skincare, that advice rings especially true!

That’s why investing in your skin while you’re still in your twenties is essential. Trust me, ladies, everything you think you never

With my thirtieth birthday coming up, I’ve been paying closer attention to my skin care. I’ve subjected my skin to plenty of hours in sunny deserts and beaches, and let’s not even talk about what air travel does to my skin. So, while you’re still in your twenties, it’s important to show that skin a little love.

Need to treat yourself, too? Here is everything you need to know about medical facials and chemical peels.

Skin Scan

Why Medical Facials Are Important

A spa facial is nice, but a medical facial is a game-changer. Rather than just making you glow for a day, a medical facial is a highly targeted treatment that is customized to your skin’s unique needs.

A good medical facial actually takes into account the specific (and varying) needs of every inch of your skin. It can be customized to treat whatever ails you, including clogged pores, breakouts, an uneven skin tone and fine lines.

Everyone has a different experience and treatment plan, but a medical facial typically includes traditional treatments like steaming, exfoliation and extractions. Then, it progresses to more intensive treatments like a fruit acid peel, LED light treatment or sonophoresis (sound wave) skin therapy.

Your aesthetician will lay out your options and recommend a facial plan before you start, so that you know what to expect. Medical facials are a perfect option for anyone at any age, and they are especially good if you want to improve your skin but aren’t sure where to start.

When I went to my skin therapist, Margot, at Dr. Nerina Wilkinson’s SKIN Clinic in Cape Town, she did an in-depth analysis of my skin to help me target my problem areas. She then went on to create a multi-pronged approach to my treatment.

Blonde Getting Facial in Cape Town

Why Chemical Peels Are Important

Chemical peels are another incredible option. If you’ve seen the Sex and the City chemical peel episode, you’re probably a bit hesitant to approach a treatment like this; however, a chemical peel can transform your skin for the better.

The first thing to know about chemical peels is that there are three different types: superficial, medium and deep peels. It is something you can ease your way into and get comfortable with as you learn how your skin reacts.

Chemical peels can treat a wide array of skin issues including acne, large pores, oily skin, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles. Of course, deeper peels provide more dramatic results but require a longer healing period.

A chemical peel works by lifting dead skin cells off the surface of your skin, which encourages your body’s natural healing mechanisms to regenerate new skin.

Skin Care Office in Cape Town

My Skincare Clinic: Facials and Peels in Cape Town

Finding the right skincare clinic isn’t an easy feat. While chemical peels and medical facials aren’t dangerous, you definitely want to make sure that you are being treated by skilled hands.

Discount treatments from untrained staff can leave you with breakouts or underwhelming results. Not to mention, you may be left with irreversible skin ailments should you cut corners too much. 

In my quest for healthy and happy skin, I found Dr. Nerina Wilkinson – SKIN clinic in Cape Town. This place has an expert, all-female staff, who make the process comfortable and easy.

My skin therapist is incredibly knowledgeable and listened to all of my concerns to help me develop the perfect plan for my skin and lifestyle. The clinic is also quite affordable, which goes a long way in making professional skin care a regular part of my routine.

Read Next: Travel-Friendly Beauty Routines for Every Budget

The post Preventative Skin Care in Your 20s: Facials and Peels appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad

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