Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Best Apps for Bloggers to Stay Organized

Best Apps for Blogger to Stay Organized

While my blog typically focuses on the highlights of experiencing beautiful places around the world, there is a lot of work behind the scenes. From editing photos to creating content to living on social media, running a blog comes along with an endless to-do list.

Whether you are a total newbie or a full-time professional blogger, it’s all about getting and staying organized, and I use a lot of organizational apps. While calendars and to-do lists are essential, for me, it’s all about the apps. I’ve tried a countless number of them and now, I’ve got it narrowed down to a few key apps that are essential.

Here are the best apps for bloggers to stay organized!


best apps for bloggers

Apps for Scheduling Social Media

If you want to grow your network, it’s important to get into a routine of scheduling social media ahead of time.


Hootsuite is for social media management app that allows you to work with other users to manage Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, WordPress, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, and more.


Meanwhile, Buffer is a simple but priceless tool that lets you schedule Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest.

Use Bitly to shorten your links, manage your engagement and track your links!


Apps for Photo Organization

Whether you have endless photo files tucked away on hard drives, or are constantly traveling, organizing your photos for future blog content and social posts is key.

iCloud Photo Sharing

If you have a multi-member team, getting photos back and forth can be a pain. My team has started using iCloud Photo Sharing for quick and easy file transfer. It works between all Apple products: iPhone, iPad and Macbook.


If you’re traveling on your own, but want to keep high-res files handy online at any time, I use SmugMug. It has a easy-to-use platform and will help you keep organized wherever you are.


organizing blog posts

Apps for Organizing Inspiration + Saving Blog Posts


This is such a great app for saving inspiration! I keep every images and blog posts that inspires me. It’s handy because you can save things from your phone and computer, so you’ve got a collection of all your favorite things with you at all times.


This is like Pinterest for blog posts! I save all of the posts that I love here. It’s also a great place to connect with other bloggers and readers to be inspired with their impressive curated collections.


Instapaper is now owned by Pinterest, and it’s a must-have bookmarking app. While Pinterest is all about images, InstaPaper is designed for text. They are the dream dynamic duo that save everything you love with one click.


Save any online web page, including blog posts, videos or anything else into Pocket. You can then view it later offline! It’s perfect for flights, and you can save reading material directly from your browser or from popular apps.


Apps for Writing Blog Posts On the Go

Keep your notes and ideas at your fingertips 24/7 with a good app for blog writing on the go. I like Google Docs, Pages, and Evernote. Each one has their own unique perks, so it’s all about personal preferences.

It’s too easy to get a brilliant idea when you’re out, then forget all about it by the time you’re home. That’s why I’ve gotten into the habit of always writing my thoughts down. Whether it’s a photo layout idea or just a clever phrase I want to write down, I drop whatever I’m doing to jot it down.


organization apps for bloggers

Apps for Team Organization + Project Management

As your blog grows, it is vital to start growing your team. Whether you are working with a full-time team or a couple of your besties, staying organized is the foundation of your success. These three apps can work well in conjunction with each other, or you can just decide which is best for your organization style!


I love the modern feel of Asana and it’s ideal for creating a project workflow so that you can manage everything from start to finish. You don’t need a team to use a project management program — this can help keep you organized from social post to grocery lists! If you’re the kind of person that likes to check tasks off your to-do list, then I highly recommend getting Asana in your life.


Slack is a popular app that is perfect for communication and integrates other must-have productivity tools. If you have a team across different timezones, this platforms acts like a group message, but BETTER.


Trello is a project management tool that works in cool, visual way and lets you create and delegate projects. If you’re more of a visual learner (and organizer) then this is the best platform for you!



Apps for Business


There are many reasons to use a virtual private network (or VPN)—both overseas and at home. A VPN adds an extra layer of security on your computer, and protects all of your internet traffic, including emails, voice calls, videos, and music. I always travel with a VPN, even when I’m at home in the US!


DocuSign is the easiest and most secure way to sign and get documents signed from your phone or tablet while on the go. It also syncs with Gmail so you can easily access through your desktop!


aruba from the plane

Apps for Staying Organized While Traveling

App in the Air

This one of the best apps out there for travelers. You can organize flights and virtually explore airports. They even give you a time estimate for how long it will take you to check-in, get through security, and pass through passport control. You get notifications for any changes and one thing that I especially love is that you can see how much you have flown year-to-date.

It’ll justify that jet lag and give you stats to include in your blog posts!



Read Next: 10 Ways to Be a More Productive Blogger

The Best Apps for Bloggers to Stay Organized is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad http://ift.tt/2Cy8XIh

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