Thursday, January 25, 2018

10 Ways to Be a More Productive Blogger

10 Ways to Be a More Productive Blogger

Want to put your productivity into overdrive? A few little changes can make all the difference. I’ve learned so much over the years, and it has transformed my life and my blog. Starting out as a travel blogger, and going completely freelance, had its ups and downs — it wasn’t until I really stepped up my focus, figured out how to be more productive, and set my autopilot to “hustle”, did I see the results I wanted to!

From organizing your content schedule, to learning new skills, to finding the right tools for the job, there is always a way to do more with less time.

Ready to steal a few of my favorite blogging productivity tips?

Here are 10 ways to be a more productive blogger!


Get Dressed

This is cliché, but it really is important to get dressed in the morning. Seriously. I’m guilty of this myself (most days)! Before I know it, it is 11AM and I haven’t showered or eaten breakfast. To keep on a schedule and stay sane, it’s essential to start your day just like if you were headed to the office.


Start Your Morning

Plan Out Your Time

Plan out your tasks for the day and the week. Work in blocks of time where you don’t switch tasks. I use a system of working for 45 minutes then taking a 5 to 10-minute break. After three hours, I reward myself with a longer break. Whenever I can, I try to get out for some fresh air during my breaks.

It makes such a difference in my mood and energy level and improves productivity.


Limit Your Time on Emails

Feeling like you have to check your email 24/7 is stressful. Resist that impulse to check every time you get a notification. Better yet, turn off those notifications! Set “email hours” for yourself.

Devote one or two hours each day to dealing with emails.

I like to have one block of time for answering the most important emails, then another block of time in the evening (after my concentration is totally gone for the day) where I answer less critical, chatty emails.


Use a Project Management Program

Use Asana or Trello to create digital checklists and keep your content schedule accessible at all times. I use the program to plan out my blog post schedule, track deliverables and brands I’m working with, and even keep track of my grocery lists!

For those who like physically writing things down, check out The Content Planner by my friend Kat!


Home Office Inspo

Create an Office Space or Use a Co-Working Space

You know how they say to only use your bed for sleep and sex? The same rules (kinda) apply to your entire home. Don’t use your couch as a workplace and a place for chilling out.

Find a space for yourself that is only for work. Your brain will associate that spot with productivity and it will keep you focused. If your home doesn’t have the right energy for focus and productivity, look at getting a hot desk or private office at a co-working space.

If you work from home, make an effort to work from a social environment once a week. Whether it’s a co-working space or a cafe, sometimes the change in scenery and asking for feedback from unbiased third parties can ignite creativity.


Use Lightroom Presets for Editing

Don’t reinvent the wheel! I used to spend entire DAYS editing photos from start to finish. Use Lightroom presets to edit much quicker and create a consistency in the esthetic of your photos.

And, of course, check out The Blonde Abroad Lightroom Presets for my entire collection!


Productivity Tips

Work at Peak Times

When you work from home it’s easy to get into a crazy schedule. To help me keep my sleep schedule on track, I use a nighttime setting on all of my screens.

The blue light on your phone and laptop can seriously disrupt your sleep. Check your Night Mode setting options or use Flux for Mac to auto-optimize your screen. I always suggest editing during daylight hours so you can work in natural light and spend less time straining your eyes on your computer close to bedtime.


Create a FAQ Page + Template Responses

It can be annoying to answer the same emails over and over. To make your life easier, keep some template responses on hand and customize accordingly. If you get the same questions over and over, add them to your blog’s FAQ or About Me page so you can direct readers there with a simple greeting and the URL.

This has saved me hours over the years, leaving more time for tackling other projects!


The Blonde Abroad Pinterest

Use Pinterest

This is the best tool for saving ideas, images, inspiring blog posts, photo goals and more! Get the app so that you can always have ideas at your fingertips. I always compile inspiration and trip planning ideas here.

Check out my Pinterest Inspo boards!


Plan Out Your Content + Use a Scheduling Platform

Turn your blog into a well-oiled machine by creating a content schedule for the month and, ideally, the year. When you know what you are going to do, the whole process is way less stressful.

Also, a big part of creating those blocks of uninterrupted time is using a social media scheduling platform. Use platforms like Buffer (my favorite!), Hootsuite or Tweet Deck to get your posts online each day during peak times.

My biggest blogging productivity tip would be to use a social scheduling platform!


BONUS TIP: Hire a Writer

If you’re at the point where you have more content than you can manage on your own, consider hiring a writer to help with the work load. There’s no fault in allowing yourself to focus on other aspects of your brand and blog, so start delegating!


SHOP my favorite blogging essentials!


READ NEXT: The Ultimate Blogger Gift Guide


10 Ways to Be a More Productive Blogger is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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