Thursday, March 23, 2017

Visiting Tagus Cove in the Galápagos

Tagus Cove in the Galapagos

Sailing with a cerveza in hand

Kayaking around Isabela Island

Sailing up to Tagus Cove

Penguins in Tagus Cove

Bird Watching on Isabela Island

Views of the cove

Panga ride around Tagus Cove

Birds in Tagus Cove

Bird Watching on Isabela Island

Sundeck on the MV Origin

Menu on MV Origin luxury cruise

After spending the morning exploring Fernandina Island with Ecoventura, we sailed to Isabela Island to check out Tagus Cove.

This gorgeous cove is protected by two volcanic craters, and it’s a top spot to check out local wildlife. Isabela Island is the biggest island of the Galápagos. Spread over 1,790 square miles, it’s actually way bigger than any of the other islands, and it’s a definite must-see.

Reading Voyage of the Beagle

Sailing to Tagus Cove

I had a great time getting to Tagus Cove. We had lunch on the MV Origin’s sun deck. There were grilled tuna, homemade sangria, and fresh salads. Ecoventura had a kayak trip planned for us, but I was loving the sun deck too much, so I decided to lie out on the deck for a while and started reading Voyage of the Beagle.

I’d definitely recommend one of Charles Darwin’s books for the adventure.

The Galápagos Islands inspired some of his greatest ideas. Reading Darwin’s books really brings the islands’ history to life. He talks about Tagus Cove and tons of other spots in the Voyage of the Beagle, and it’s cool to experience it while you’re reading.

Snorkeling in Tagus Cove

Exploring Tagus Cove

Located across from Fernandina Island, Tagus Cove is full of life! On the cruise you can kayak, paddle board and snorkel. I chose not to kayak, but a lot of the guests said this was the best spot for it because they saw a ton of wildlife along the rocks.

The sea floor around the cove is covered in green algae, which attracts tons of iguanas, fish, sea lions and other sea life, so I was lucky enough to spot chocolate chip sea stars, turtles, and sharks while snorkeling.

The currents were strong, but it was still a fun experience.

Graffiti along Tagus Cove

Historically, the cove was a safe anchorage bay for over 300 years, coupling as a pirate hideaway, so you can see the names of the countless ships that passed through here carved into the cliff. We learned that a lot of the graffiti is from US Navy ships in the mid-1900’s, but you can still see names of more historical vessels!

After snorkeling, we went for a panga boat ride. It was a chance to see more penguins, birds, and the graffiti up close.

Helpful Tip: There’s also a blowhole that’s great for pics if you get the timing just right!

Jacuzzi on the MV Origin

Winding Down

Once we explored Tagus Cove, we went back to the MV Origin to unwind. The yacht has a great Jacuzzi, and it’s the perfect spot to relax after a long day of sightseeing. At the end of the day, we watched an epic sunset on the deck while indulging in fondue and wine.

Cabin on the MV Origin yacht

Could there be a better way to end the day?


My favorite Galápagos essentials!

READ NEXT: 20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit The Galápagos

Visiting Tagus Cove in the Galápagos is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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