Monday, October 31, 2016

Practical Advice For Students Who Dream Of Traveling

Student Travel Tips

Travel Advice for Students

Travel Tips

World travel is possible at any age. However the best time to travel is when you’re young. Here are some tips for students who want to start traveling as soon as possible.

The other day I received an email from a young reader. Like many high-school and college students who reach out to me, she was asking for advice about how and when to start traveling.

Here’s her message (shared with permission):

“My name is Almaries, I’m 19 years old from Puerto Rico. I have a dream but I don’t know where to start. I want to explore every corner of the Earth. I want to travel, live adventurously, be nomadic. I know there are ways to save money, but how much is enough? When is the perfect time? Do I need to get my university degree or could I just start tomorrow?”

She’s not alone. I receive a few of these messages each week, which tells me that many of you have similar questions. Hence this article.

It’s not something I’ve been able to answer well in a simple email.

For high-school and college students, thinking about the future can be confusing. I remember what it was like. Society is telling you to get a degree, get a career, get married, pump out some kids, then retire.

Some of us just aren’t ready for those milestones right now.

So today I wanted to share some travel advice for students who would like to travel more, but don’t know where to begin.

Student Travel Advice

Me at 18 years old — with hair!

My Personal Experience

I didn’t start traveling around the world until I was 29 years old. It wasn’t until I was well out of college and working in the real world that I became interested in the budget backpacking lifestyle.

However 11 years earlier, when I graduated high-school, I packed up and drove across the country from New Hampshire to Montana and become a ski-bum for a year.

I told my parents it was to claim residence and take advantage of cheap in-state tuition before starting college… but really, I just wanted some time off after the previous 13 years of school!

It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

My “year off” was both difficult and rewarding. Working multiple jobs (cooking, roofing, landscaping), playing in my free time (snowboarding, hiking, parties) and learning how to be a responsible adult.

When it was over, I enrolled in college the next year with in-state tuition feeling focused and ready to learn.

Travel During School

You Can Go To School & Travel Too!

Should You Go To School?

I’m not comfortable answering this question. I don’t know you. I don’t know your background. These kinds of decisions are extremely personal. What works for one person might not work for someone else.

However I can share my personal experience and a few suggestions.

If someone else is paying for your education, than yes I think you should go to school. Don’t waste that opportunity. You can always travel after school like I did. Or even during, which I’ll explain more a bit later.

If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, and must finance your own education, I don’t think paying for school just because “that’s what you’re supposed to do” will help. You’ll probably end up in debt with a degree in something you don’t enjoy.

Maybe take a year off. Figure some shit out. Travel. You can always enroll in school next year. Or look into other forms of education, there are plenty of free options available.

In my opinion, going to college with no direction is a waste of money. The US education system is far too expensive and screwed up these days. A university degree no longer guarantees a good job.

Travel While You’re Young

I’m glad I went to college. I had fun, learned a lot about business, and I firmly believe it’s one of the reasons my travel blog has become so successful over the years. Business & marketing skills I learned in school.

But I’m also happy I took a year off before starting college. While I didn’t use my year-off to travel around the world, looking back I wish I had.

All of us dream of traveling extensively one day, but sadly many people can’t drum up the courage or drive to attempt it. We procrastinate and make excuses because it’s easier. For me, I thought international travel was too expensive. Of course now I know that’s not the case.

The best time to travel the world is now, not later. Even if you are currently a student. Travel now, while you’re young, fit, healthy, and comfortable with a lower standard of living — willing to backpack on a budget.

Because it only gets MORE complicated in the future, not less.

OK, you may also be broke, unemployed, and secretly reluctant to give up the security of familiar surroundings, but don’t let these fears ruin your dreams. Think of them as challenges to overcome.

Follow these guidelines if you want to start traveling sooner.

Traveling in Hostels

Hostel Life

Start Saving Money

As a student, it’s a lot easier to travel on a budget then when you’re older. Young people are generally more comfortable traveling cheaply and open to things like sleeping in hostels, eating street food, etc.

However you can’t count on winning the lottery to pay for your trip, so that means you need to tighten your belt. Take an extra evening job. Work over the weekends. Move into a cheaper apartment, or even back home.

Cook your own meals instead of eating out. Stop spending money on alcohol/cigarettes/coffee/video games/iPhones. Sell your car. Use public transportation.

Saving money isn’t rocket-science, but it’s going to take sacrifice!

How much should you save? That depends on your travel plans. In cheaper destinations like Asia, it’s possible to get by on $30 per day. I recommend aiming to save $1000-$2000 per month of planned travel.

So if you want to travel for 6 months in countries that cost an average of $50 per day, you’ll need to save $9000. Plus enough for a plane ticket home, travel insurance, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Enroll In Classes

Are you in school right now? One of the benefits of being a student is that you have access to professionals that can help on your path towards a life of travel. So if you aren’t quite ready to take off around the world, you can start preparing for the future.

For example, learn a new language. It’s not necessary to learn the languages of every country you visit, but your travel experiences are far more rewarding when you’re able to speak the native tongue.

How about signing up for courses on photography, videography, writing, graphic design, computer programming, social media, online business, or tourism marketing? You can enroll through the school, or learn using online courses, podcasts, and video tutorials.

You never know, you could stumble upon your dream career this way. Start learning skills that can help you make your travel dreams come true.

Read Books

Education by other means is a viable step you can take right now if you would like to travel more in the future. Even if you’re busy with high-school or college, everyone can still find time to read!

Read books about budget travel. Read books about online entrepreneurship. Read books about marketing. Read books about writing. Read books about saving money.

Here are some of my top recommendations:

Working Holidays

Are you currently in school but want to travel over the summer? Did you just graduate but are low on funds? Why not consider a working holiday visa, which lets you visit a foreign country and work for a few months.

There are plenty of opportunities for students to work abroad doing things like sheering sheep, picking grapes, teaching kids to ski, working as a bartender, teaching English, or starting a corporate internship.

Popular destinations for working holidays include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Ireland, and Singapore. The travel & international work experience from a working holiday can help boost the power of your resume to future employers too!

Working Holiday Application Information:

Study Abroad

Most universities offer an option to work or study abroad and gain valuable experience as part of your degree. It’s a wonderful way to start traveling, arranged and approved by your school.

Study Abroad programs offer the chance to study in a new country, often in English, although you’ll certainly pick up some of the local language just by living in a new culture and surroundings too.

These programs provide a crash-course in self-confidence and self-reliance within a structured study environment, and you may even be eligible for scholarships or grants.

This is probably one of the easiest ways to convince your parents to let you travel. Yes you’re traveling, but it’s for school! How can they say no to furthering your education with international experience?

Traveling with Friends

Road Trip in South Africa

Take A GAP Year

If you’ve finished college and want to explore the world, you could plan a GAP year and make the most of the time between college and a career. Or, take a year off after high-school before starting college.

The GAP year (or Bridge year) is very popular in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany. It’s practically a right of passage. Students save money and travel before starting college or a career.

While not so popular in the United States, it’s definitely an option, and growing in recognition. In fact, even Malia Obama is taking a GAP year! I hope more students follow her lead.

Many colleges will postpone admission for a year allowing you to travel without losing your hard-earned place. Higher education experts agree that students who take GAP years do better than those who don’t.

Teaching English

In addition to a working holiday visa, one popular option is to work abroad as an English teacher. At one time I was looking into this myself, planning to teach English in Japan for a year.

It never happened, but many travel addicts have decided to make money this way. Basically you move overseas and teach children or company employees how to speak better English.

The job is in high demand, and can often pay well.

Most positions require a college degree first, and there’s a certification process too. But once you have all that sorted, it’s a wonderful way to see the world and make some income.

For more employment options that let you travel, read my post highlighting some of the best travel jobs.
Student Travel Volunteering

Volunteering is an Option

Volunteering Abroad

Many students dream of volunteering abroad and helping solve problems in the developing world. I understand. I did some volunteering when I first started traveling. It makes you feel like you’re making a difference.

This can be a good thing. But I’ve also learned over the years that not all volunteer organizations are doing good work. Some are downright scams to steal your money. Many others are doing more harm than good.

While international volunteering is certainly an option for students, I suggest you tread carefully. Please read this article before you start any kind of international volunteer project.

One organization that I think is making a difference is the United States Peace Corp. But again, it is important to know what you’re getting yourself into. You probably won’t change the world.

Convincing Your Parents

So, you’ve decided you want to travel more. But your parents don’t like the idea, or your friends think you’re crazy. How do you convince them? With scientific facts and testimonials of course!

If you want to take a GAP year, you can share this study showing that students who take GAP years end up doing better than students who don’t. Plus, if it’s good for Malia Obama, it’s good for you too.

If you want to study abroad, explain how foreign schools provide better value than those in the Untied States. Tell them that the US State Department provides resources for students to study abroad.

If you want to volunteer in other countries, let your parents read this long list of famous Peace Corp Alumni. Remind them that volunteer experience is highly regarded by top universities & companies.

If you want to spend some time working abroad, explain to your parents how the best companies in the world prefer to hire employees with international work experience.

Do you know any adults who took time off from school to travel? Relatives? Friends? Teachers? Ask them to have a chat with your parents and help calm their fears.

Travel As Education

You know why the US State Department is actively trying to get more students to study abroad? Because it actually makes America stronger.

International travel experience is helping students get ahead in life. It’s good for business, good for government, and produces an intelligent, empathetic, and well-rounded society.

No, travel by itself is not better than a formal education.

But travel is a type of education. You learn about cultural differences, discover universal truths, gain personal independence, and figure out what’s going on beyond the curtain of media propaganda.

Combined with a formal education, students who travel are going to do better than those who don’t.

So yes, make it a point to travel more while you’re young, even if it’s just for a few months. It might not be easy, and it might take some planning, but I’m confident you won’t regret the experience.

Student Travel Resources

Here’s a list of resources for students who would like to find a way to travel more while they’re young.

READ NEXT: 9 Reasons To Study Abroad

Have any questions about how to travel as a student? What about other suggestions? Drop me a message in the comments below!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

from Expert Vagabond

Sunday, October 30, 2016

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Tokyo

20 Photos Visit Tokyo

Tokyo Subway

Tokyo Streets

Tokyo Street Art

Harajuku District

Cloud Salon Tokyo

Harajuku Photo Booths

Kawaii Monster Cafe

Kawaii Monster Cafe Rooms

Shibuya Crossings

Fresh Sushi

Shibuya District

Tokyo Temple

Robot Restaurant

Tokyo Golden Gai District

Tokyo at Night

Golden Gai Bar

Hidden Bars in Tokyo

Golden Gai

Tokyo Tower

Shibuya Crossing

Japan has been on the list of my “top countries to visit” for as long as I can remember. Well, I guess I crossed my fingers hard enough, because I got to explore the magical city of Tokyo this summer!

I traveled to Tokyo with one of my best friends, Tiana, for the ultimate girls’ getaway. We explored the quirky Harajuku District– eating fairytale cupcakes, spending WAY too much time in photo booths and even trying rainbow spaghetti. It is definitely the center of Japanese fashion and youth culture, and I love that “growing up” here is totally optional!

You also HAVE to check out the endless boutiques and vintage shops on Takeshita Street.

Once you’ve worked up an appetite, you’ve got to go to Kawaii Monster CafĂ©. This place offers a crazy, bright, once-in- a-lifetime experience. Kawaii means “cute” in Japanese culture and there really is nowhere cuter than this restaurant.

Another one of my favorite districts was Shibuya (famous for the Shibuya Crossing– one of the busiest intersections in the world). During rush hour, you’ll find more than 1,000 people crossing this famous spot. Shibuya is also home to some of the best karaoke spots and restaurants in all of Tokyo. We stumbled upon the highlight of our dining experiences in Tokyo in Shibuya, Narukiyo, where we had the best sashimi I’ve ever tasted.

Other highlights from the trip were the famous Robot Restaurant, an authentic Japanese cooking experience and Tsukiji Fish Market tour with Traveling Spoon, and exploring Golden Gai— an area of only a couple of blocks packed with tiny, 5-10 person capacity bars!

Whether you’re looking for the ultimate destination for a girl’s trip or are planning your first trip to Japan, look no further than Tokyo.

It’s by far one of the coolest cities I’ve ever been to!

READ NEXT: 10 Tips for Your First Trip to Tokyo


SHOP my favorite Tokyo-inspired styles!

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Tokyo is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Where to Find the Best Food in Montreal

Where to Find the Best Food in Montreal

Montreal, I thought you were completely and utterly great.  You exceeded my expectations on so many levels and I can’t wait until we meet again.  

Montreal is super easy to navigate, full of incredibly genuine and friendly people, and has multiple cool neighborhoods in which to explore.  It is also a ridiculously great food city- I ate like a champion over the quick weekend I was here.  

Next time, I’d do the below, and I’d also add a few more.  I didn’t even make it through half of my long to go to list, but you can bet I did my absolute best.  

Here are my highlights of food in Montreal!

Beauty's Luncheonette

Beauty’s Luncheonette

Montreal is known for it’s bagels.  Much softer, much sweeter, and also much smaller than our famous New York bagel, Beauty’s Luncheonette’s menu is mostly based around this admittedly very good little staple.  

St Parvis Montreal

Saint Parvis

You know when you go somewhere and it’s beautiful and dreamy and you want to just move right in?  This is what happens when you step foot in Saint Parvis, part coffee shop, part restaurant, wholly something really special.   

For one, it’s absolutely gorgeous.  There are plants everywhere; up along the ceiling on the shelves, by the huge glass storefront, in the corners, on the bar, all over the place.  The distressed walls are painted in a soft sage green, too, giving the overall illusion of a secret garden come to life in downtown Montreal.  

The food is designed to match, equally artful and light looking.  We had the salmon gravlax over brioche with goat cheese, avocado and beets.  

Le Vin Papillon

Le Vin Papillon

We learned that in Montreal there are two types of bar licenses; the one where you can just have drinks, and the one where you have to have a bit of food with your cocktail.  The latter is the way at wine bar gone highly respected food locale Le Vin Papillon, and we were so incredibly happy that it was.  

We had about an hour before our dinner reservation at sister spot Nora Gray, and so wanted to eat well, but eat light.  Recommended to us by Max the bartender was the famous carrot eclair and the simple but delicious artichoke hearts with shaved parmesan and olive oil.  

We liked all of these things, Max the bartender included.  

Nora Gray

Feeling like a swanky house party in the Boogie Nights day and age, Nora Gray delivers on so many fronts.  While maybe not quite as wild the image this sentence conjures up, you will get the dimly lit corners, the funky music, and an array of very friendly people at all turns.  

The food is set to match, too- there’s poached lobster, a couple of exceptional pastas, and a first-rate burrata situation you won’t want to miss.  


St Viateur Bagel

Immediately following our bagels at Beauty’s, we bashfully walked into St Viateur Bagel and stared.  After sufficient ogling on our part, the kind man manning the ovens cranking these incredible smelling things grabbed two piping hot sesame (the bagel staple of Montreal), put them in a brown to go bag, and sent us on our merry way.  

Damas Montreal


Syrian food is probably not most people’s first inclination as to what to eat when visiting Montreal, but this place is a must. Damas might not be on every Where To Eat Right Now article.  

It might not exude cool, and it might not be where you go to see and be seen.  

What Damas does do though is get it’s food and it’s service very, very right.  Go here, be ready to be charmed by the staff and fall hard for the cuisine, and thank us afterwards.  


Olive et Gourmando

You know how everyone says “Oh, Montreal!  It feels so European!”  While a large portion of Montreal really does feel this way, Old City is where it’s most apparent.  

While you’re wandering this area, and you definitely should, make sure Olive et Gourmando is one of your stops along the way.   

Dispatch Coffee

Dispatch is in Mile Ex, one of those now coined “up and coming” areas that already has a palpable cool vibe very much running through its veins.  

While the area is mostly desolate still, there are certainly a few spotted staple spots already spread throughout.  Dispatch Coffee and neighboring Manitoba Restaurant are some right at the center of the Mile Ex expansion.


La Diperie

La Diperie does it differently.  There’s one flavor of soft serve ice cream; vanilla.  On top of that you pick a Belgian chocolate “dip” which acts as a base coat; choose from options like dark chocolate, green tea, apple pie, gingerbread, cinnamon and lemon poppyseed.  Next up are the toppings; sprinkles, pretzels, oreos, pistachios, coconut, you name it.  

Just point, and watch your creation come to life.  

READ NEXT: The Ultimate Montreal Travel Guide


Where to Find the Best Food in Montreal is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Staying at Coconut Garden Beach Resort in Indonesia

Coconut Garden Beach Resort in Indonesia

Want to get away from it all? The island of Flores, one of Indonesia’s eastern islands, is an undiscovered jewel where time stands still. Far from the commercialized landscape that you’ll see in way too many areas of the country, Flores is a nature lover’s heaven.

Lounge around the picture-perfect beaches. Explore the colorful underwater world. Forget about everything else going on.

As a beach lover, I am obsessed with Indonesia. I love finding hidden pieces of paradise where I can unwind and reconnect with nature.

Here’s my experience staying at the Coconut Garden Beach Resort!

Coconut Garden Beach Resort

– The Resort –

This little eco resort is situated on the west coast of Flores, just outside of Maumere. Coconut Garden Beach Resort is the only protected island in the region, and it is dedicated to being green.

The resort feels like it is miles away from everything in the world.

Built on a couple of lush acres of beachfront land, the resort offers eight private bungalows. With ample space to spread out, you can always find a quiet spot on the beach to claim for the day.

With a fitness center, ultrafresh restaurant, top-notch bar, and a sprawling private beach, it’s no wonder this place is a Flores favorite.

Coconut Garden Beach Resort Bungalows

– The Rooms –

The Coconut Garden Beach Resort’s bamboo bungalows are situated on a private beach. Featuring free Wi-Fi, a BBQ area, sun loungers, and hammocks, these bungalows are like something out of a tropical postcard.

The resort is incredibly popular with people getting married and going on their honeymoons, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a dreamy spot for a wedding and the perfect place for romance.

But you don’t have to be coupled up to enjoy it!

Coconut Garden Resort Bungalows

Coconut Garden Resort Outdoor Shower

Coconut Garden Resort Sunset Bungalow

I stayed in a Sunset Bungalow at the resort and had an awesome time. Paradise! What’s better than showering under the stars and getting beachfront massages?

The resort is the ideal spot to unwind and the perfect base for adventuring all over the island of Flores.

Coconut Garden Beach Food

– Food and Drink –

After working up an appetite hanging out beachside, I grabbed some incredibly fresh food from the Coconut Garden Beach Resort’s restaurant.

With fish from the sea only a few feet away and coconuts taken from trees right overhead, this restaurant is the ultimate farm-to-table hot spot. Its homemade, organic food is some of the best Indonesian grub you’ll find anywhere.

When you are in the mood for a drink, the resort has a beachfront café bar where you can grab a fresh tropical juice, an exotic cocktail, or a traditional Indonesian beer, like the super popular Bintang brand.

Padar Island

– Activities –

The island of Flores is surrounded by thriving coral reef and a beautiful landscape. While you are at the resort, you can go kayaking, snorkeling, fishing, horse ridding, or standup paddle boarding.

When you are ready for a day trip, head to Kelimutu Volcanic Crater Lakes.

These aqua-, emerald-, and ruby red-colored lakes are one of the most remarkable sites on the islands of Flores and are a must-see for any visitor to Indonesia.

Kelimutu Volcanic Crater Lakes

For a gorgeous day out, explore Komodo National Park. There are day tours that will take you around Padar Island, Komodo Island, Pink Beach, and Manta Point.

Want to take in the local culture?

Hop on a motorbike, and go for a solo tour of the surrounding villages. The local Florinese people are really welcoming and have so many unique traditions and customs. Getting an insight into local life will make your adventure much more meaningful, so be sure to spend an afternoon exploring.

Sunset over Flores


READ NEXT:Visiting Kelimutu Volcanic Lakes in Indonesia


Staying at Coconut Garden Beach Resort in Indonesia is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Top 10 Places to Visit When You’re In Love

10 Places to Visit When You're in Love

There’s nothing better than exploring new places with the one you love. Whether you’re swimming with stingrays in Bora Bora or running up the stairs of the Eiffel Tower, there’s something magical about sharing new experiences with the love of your life by your side.

Here’s a list of Ryan and Samantha‘s favorite places guaranteed to make you fall even more in love!

Bora Bora Couples Travel

– Bora Bora, French Polynesia –

Bora Bora is incredibly unique, and that’s why it’s at the top of our list (and just about every other travel list out there). Waking up to the sun rising outside of your overwater bungalow and jumping off your deck straight into the warm tropical ocean water is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

You’ll never be somewhere so peaceful, and no matter where you’ll stay, you’ll be treated like kings and queens. Plus, swimming with sharks, stingrays, and thousands of tropical fish will leave you feeling like you’ve been transported to an entirely different planet.

– Venice, Italy –

Not only does Venice look like something out of a fairytale, but you’ll also feel like you’re living in your own fairytale as you take a gondola ride through the canals of the city. Once you hop off the gondola, walk across bridges and take in the unique scenery and architecture that only Venice has to offer. And share a gelato or two, because let’s be honest…

the way to most people’s hearts is through their stomachs, right?

– Park City, Utah –

Park City is a quaint, romantic city nestled into the Rocky Mountains. Whether you’re there for winter or summer, there’s always so much to do. With the Sundance Film Festival, the Alpine Coaster, and the largest ski resort in the United States, Park City is sure to be a romantic and fun getaway.

Take the trolley up and down Main Street or catch snowflakes on your tongues as you run around and play together in this adult playground.

Couples Travel Tanzania

– Serengeti, Tanzania –

Being in the middle of nowhere with the one you love makes you feel like you’re the only two people in the world. The Serengeti is one of those places full of stars, sounds, and sights that you can’t explain, you just have to experience it together.

In addition, going out on safari and spotting exotic animals together creates a type of excitement and bond between you two that cannot be broken.

– Bali, Indonesia –

Bali is perfect for any couple that wants to enjoy rich culture, delicious food, and perfect surf. Rent a scooter and ride around the island holding onto each other tight for a little bit of fun and adventure, while soaking in the beauty around you.

Whether you are doing yoga on the beach, exploring rice fields, or enjoying the peace and quiet from your villa, Bali is sure to be one of your favorite destinations to explore as a couple.

Read More: Top Romantic Getaways in Bali for Couples

– Nice, France –

Nice is the perfect place to relax on the beach and play in the Mediterranean Sea. Just thinking about being able to lounge on a comfy beach bed under a striped umbrella together is making us contemplate booking flights to the CĂ´te d’Azur right now. Enjoy the perfect coastal views as you hold hands and stroll along the pedestrian-only streets.

Read More: 20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Nice

Romantic Paris Couples

– Paris, France –

Paris is known as the city of love for a reason. Start your day off eating breakfast in bed and enjoying the views outside of a Parisian window together.

Wander around Versailles, Montmartre, or any one of the stunning museums the city has to offer. Lock your love on the Love Lock Bridge. Eat all the Nutella crepes your stomach can handle. And make sure to end the day with a picnic dinner on the grass watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle in the night.

Can you imagine a more romantic day?

– Lapland, Finland –

Aurora Borealis (the northern lights), according to legend is caused by the tail of an arctic fox swishing by. In Lapland, you can sleep in a glass igloo under the lights with your partner. As if that’s not romantic enough, you can also spend the day enjoying the gorgeous lakes or a classic Finnish sauna together!

– Positano, Italy –

Do you like sunshine, boats, and beautiful blue water? Then you’ll probably like Positano too. The Amalfi Coast has various charming features and this cliff-side Italian town encompasses them all.

From here you can get to Capri and also explore the gorgeous Grotta dello Smeraldo. End your day by eating dinner at one of the several cliff-side restaurants, but be sure to ask for a waterfront table to feel the ocean breeze.

San Francisco Couples Travel

– San Francisco, California –

We may be biased, because we got engaged at the edge of the Golden Gate Bridge, but you can’t deny that there’s something romantic about the city by the bay.

There are a variety of unique gems hidden around the city, like rope swings that overlook the city, neighborhood slides, and the mosaic stairs. The best part about San Francisco is that you can always find something new to do.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to San Francisco in a Weekend

Read more about Samantha and Ryan’s adventures!


Top 10 Places to Visit When You’re In Love is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Monday, October 24, 2016

Day Trip to Komodo Island, Padar and Pink Beach

Day Trip to Komodo

Love nature? You’ll feel right at home in Indonesia’s unspoiled treasure, Komodo National Park. Far from the wild nights of Bali, this quiet group of islands is home to white-sand beaches, lush hiking parks, and world-class snorkeling and diving.

With so much to do in Komodo National Park, it’s well worth the trip from Bali!

The center of the park is a world away from the hustle and bustle of Bali, but you can get there in just ninety minutes from Denpasar.

Many companies offer day tours out of Labuan Bajo, so you can easily explore the hills of Padar, chill with the dragons on Komodo Island, relax on Pink Beach, and snorkel at Manta Point. I went with Ora Dive— they offer custom tours and packaged day trips so you can choose what you’d like to see the most!

Check out my day trip to Komodo Island, Padar and Pink Beach!

Flight into Indonesia

Book Your Day Trip

There are great tour companies that offer day trips to Padar, Komodo Island, Pink Beach, and Manta Point. The trip starts early (around 5:30 a.m.!) from Labuan Bajo, so you’ll definitely want to start your day near the tour meeting point.

Plan to fly into Labuan Bajo the day before your day trip.

There are seven flights per day, so it’s easy to find one that’ll work with your schedule. Labuan Bajo is one of the biggest city in Flores, which means you’ll have no problem finding things to do or places to stay there. However, I’d definitely recommend Le Pirate Flores — it’s super cute and in a great location.

There are lots of places around Labuan Bajo where you can get a glimpse into the culture of the local Manggarai people. They are known for their ultra impressive weaving, so check out the textiles if you’re looking for a unique souvenir.

Padar Island

1st Stop: Padar

Grab your hiking shoes! The view from the peaks of Padar Island is the most beautiful sight in Indonesia. Climb your way to the top for a panorama view of the incredible natural beauty of Komodo National Park. Don’t forget lots of sunscreen and a hat — it’s a hot and sunny adventure to the top.

The hike is a bit of a challenge but it’s worth it.

Padar Island

2nd Stop: Komodo Island

An official UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Man and the Biosphere Program Reserve, Komodo Island is a remarkable place. Home to fewer than 2,000 people and an impressive 2,500 Komodo dragons, this is the place to reconnect with nature.

While there are no guaranteed sightings, there are usually some Komodo dragons hanging out by the buildings near the entrance, so arrive ready for a quick selfie with a local lizard.

Pink Beach

3rd Stop: Pink Beach

The world-famous Pink Beach is a must-see for any visitor to Komodo National Park. With soft, pink sand, crystal clear waves, and amazing diving spots, Pink Beach is a place you’ve got to visit. You will most likely have enough time here to eat lunch, snorkel and hike up the nearby hill for a great view looking over the beach.

While still stunning, this hot spot is not as pink as it once was because people like to take the sand. Please don’t take the sand! Not only will your sand get thrown away when you go through airport security, you’ll be leaving the beach less pink for future visitors.

Manta Point

4th Stop: Manta Point

The best diving and snorkeling in Indonesia is right off the coast of Nusa Penida– areas like Manta Point offer a truly magical experience.

We opted to organize a private tour that included diving instead of snorkeling, but the standard tours will include snorkeling, which I highly recommend! While you might not see mantas every time, you will get to see a gorgeous array of coral and sea life.

READ NEXT: 10 Incredible Adventures to Have in Indonesia


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Day Trip to Komodo Island, Padar and Pink Beach is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad