Friday, July 15, 2016

Learning to Code from a Private Villa in Paradise

Learning to Code in Paradise

Learning to code is something that I had always wanted to do, but it felt like too daunting a task. I’ve taught myself a lot of skills and applications over the years, but I knew coding wasn’t something I’d be able conquer on my own since I was always on-the-go.

The Institute of Code runs a 10-day immersive program that combined my love of travel and my desire to learn coding. Taught poolside at a private villa in Bali or Mexico, this program is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself and my business.

If you’re asking yourself questions like, “how can I take complete creative control of my blog?”, “how can I build out my website on my own?”, or plain and simple “how can I learn code?”, then Institute of Code is something I would highly recommend to you.

There’s nothing like upping your skills and learning to code in paradise!

Coding Instructors

– Education –

After teaching myself the basics of WordPress, photography, video editing, and all of the other things involved in running a blog, I knew the one thing missing was coding.

Thanks to the accelerated learning course at Institute of Code, I went from “zero-to-hero” with my coding knowledge and abilities. I recreated my website from scratch and have never felt more empowered!

Coding in paradise

– Learn a Global Skill Set –

Of all of the languages that you can learn on this beautiful planet, programming languages are some of the most beneficial, and is a highly sought after skillset across a broad range of industries. They’re universal and used around the world.

Learning to code can not only add an epic addition to your resume, but can allow you to create a location independent business for yourself so that you can make money while traveling the world.

You can read how Institute of Code co-founder, Tina May, used her knowledge of coding to travel the world and get paid.

All Inclusive Villa

– All-Inclusive –

The Institute of Code is an all-inclusive program, meaning your meals, accommodation, activities and the 60+ hours of coursework are included in the price listed on their website. No hidden fees. No gimmicks.

Ubud Bali

– Experience a New Destination –

The biggest draw to Institute of Code is the ability to learn to code in paradise. The tropical tranquility of Bali makes learning fun and feel effortless.

I may be partial to Bali, but I’ve always found it to be the most relaxing, wellness-focused destination I’ve traveled to.

Due to popular demand, Institute of Code is now offering courses in Bali AND Mexico!

Institute of Coding Students

– Networking –

If you’ve ever wanted to take a solo trip, but haven’t found the courage to book a trip on your own, the Institute of Code is a great opportunity to learn a valuable skill and meet awesome people from around the world.

I shared my experience at Institute of Code in Bali with about 6 other students from every corner of the world, including Australia, Taiwan and even Lebanon.

Bali Private Villa

– Private Villa –

One of my favorite parts of the experience was getting to stay in a beautiful villa that served as both our classroom and bedroom. The “education compound” created a fun learning environment where all students stayed and played in the same area.

Each morning we would gather round the table like one big family before starting our coursework for the day. And what’s better than an afternoon break in the pool?!

Bali Private Chef

– Private Chef –

Unlike an all-inclusive resort with mediocre buffet fare, Institute of Code has a private chef prepare three meals a day. It’s honestly heaven. Our chef prepared incredible meals with each student’s dietary requirements looked after.

We enjoyed everything from traditional Balinese fare to fresh squeezed juice and smoothies!

Ubud Monkey Forest

– Activities –

Daily yoga and activities are, wait for it, also included! Institute of Code has their own yoga instructor for every retreat to get your body moving and help break up the coursework.

During my stay in Bali, we ventured to Ubud for a stroll through Monkey Forest, visited rice paddies, got massages, took surfing lessons, and even went parasailing. All-inclusive for the win!

Institute of Code Bali

– Ongoing Support –

No matter how quick of slow of a learner you are, the Institute of Code is for everyone, which is why they offer continued support after the retreat ends. You’ll get support well after you return home from Bali so you feel confident running the website of your dreams.

So what are you waiting for? Apply today!

Learning to Code from a Private Villa in Paradise is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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