Friday, July 1, 2016

Caring For Your Skin on a Summer Vacation

Caring for Your Skin on a Summer Vacation

Fellow sun worshippers, unite! Basking in the sun doesn’t have to be a guilty pleasure. Practice safe sunbathing and you can enjoy hours of rays without the negative consequences. Slathering on daily sunscreen is truly one of the best habits you can have in life, especially if you love to spend your summers on the beach.

Caring for your skin doesn’t have to be a chore!

As you guys might have heard, I am heading to the Maldives in just a few weeks! I am so excited about my latest and greatest adventure that I am already starting to pack my bags. Hawaiian Tropic® Silk Hydration™ Weightless Sunscreens are always the first things I grab when I am going for a sunny getaway.

If you are going away this summer, they are an absolute must-have. And luckily I can run a grab them right around the corner at Walmart stores!

Hawaiian Tropic

There’s nothing worse than buying cheapo sunscreen when you arrive and ending up with a terrible sunburn and clogged pores. Ever since I’ve fallen head over heels for Hawaiian Tropic®, I never leave home without it.

It has a truly unique, breathable formula that feels weightless on your skin. And you have got to smell it! I’m completely in love with the luxe tropical aroma. Even in the dead of winter, it transports me to a tropical paradise.


Whether I am home or away, I basically live outside so I’m a serious sunscreen connoisseur. Like every true California girl, I never turn down an opportunity to bask in the sun so SPF protection is a key item in my makeup bag. While most of us are great about applying sunscreen on vacation, if you spend as much time outdoors as I do, you will do yourself a major favor by adding sun protection to your daily arsenal.

Sunscreen will slow down the aging process, prevent freckles, and leave you looking flawless for decades. And let’s not forget about more serious issues like skin cancer. If you want a summer glow, be smart about it. Get your tan from a bottle! You’ll look amazing tomorrow and 20 years from now.

Hawaiian Tropic Weightless

Even if it’s overcast and cold, SPF is a beauty essential. According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, up to 80% of the sun’s UV rays still pass through clouds. So, while you might not feel the burn, it’s still damaging your skin.

I never leave home without my favorite skincare products, so at the top of my must-pack list is always Hawaiian Tropic® Silk Hydration™ Weightless Sunscreen. Available In SPF 15 and 30, this is exactly what you need for a long, sunny day out.

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With an amazing 12 hours of luxurious moisture and up to 80 minutes of water resistance, this is your BFF at the beach. The exotic island botanicals and lush Hawaiian Tropic® fragrance in this weightless lotion makes it the best sunscreen out there.

So, ladies, do yourself a favor. When it comes to summer getaways, make sure that sun protection is a top priority. Grab your bikini, shades, and sunscreen so you are ready to unwind carefree under the hot summer sun.


READ NEXT: 10 All-Natural Beauty Products from Around the World


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hawaiian Tropic®. The opinions and text are all mine.

Caring For Your Skin on a Summer Vacation is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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