Thursday, September 20, 2018

How to Find Choi Hung Estate Basketball Court in Hong Kong

How to Find Choi Hung Estate Basketball Court in Hong Kong

While the name “Choi Hung” might not ring a bell, there is a good chance you have seen this famous Hong Kong basketball in photos on Instagram or online. This picture perfect location is a must-see when you are in Hong Kong, but it’s not all that easy to find.

Want to get your perfect photo op? Here’s how to find Choi Hung Estate Basketball Court in Hong Kong.

Choi Hung


The Choi Hung Estate was built back in 1964 to provide locals with affordable housing– which is a big deal in Hong Kong, where the cost of living is the second highest in the world! They painted the estate in rainbow colors to make it look cheerful, and the world fell in love.

Oh, and fun fact: “Choi Hung” means rainbow in Cantonese!

While it was never designed to be a tourist attraction, it’s easy to see why it gained so much attention. Located in the Wong Tai Sin District of Kowloon, the public housing district is home to thousands of people.

Sign in Hong Kong

How to Get There

Choi Hung Estate Basketball Court is easy to find if you know where you are going. The exact location is 2 Tse Wai Ave, Ngau Chi Wan, Hong Kong. I’d recommend using Google Maps to map a route from where you’re staying, and you’ll have no problem getting there. Here’s a link to the exact location.

The Choi Hung Estate is centrally located, and super easy to access by Hong Kong’s subway system. While it’s not exactly the most helpful tip, look for a nearby, multi-level parking lot and head up to the very top.

As soon as you arrive, you’ll see the magical rainbow basketball courts.

If you have any issues finding it, come prepared with a photo of the basketball courts and show it to just about any local in the area and they should be able to point you in the right direction.

Building in Hong Kong

Choi Hung

Photography Tips

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a LOT of people come to shoot photos on the basketball courts. Here are a few of my top tips for photography at Choi Hung Estate basketball courts.

First, be respectful. This is part of a housing area. Many elderly people walk around the perimeter, kids and their parents are using the space to play, and locals actually play basketball here.

Shocker. As a tourist, remember this is their space. Imagine wanting to play a game of basketball with your friends but the court is crowded with people posing for pictures.

Not awesome for kids that call this place home. So, again… be respectful.

To avoid crowds of photographers, and to keep the space less crowded for locals, come early. This is a general rule for just about any popular attraction in the world.

If you really don’t want anyone else in your shot, go at sunrise. You’re likely going to have the whole place to yourself!

Choi Hung

Share the fun! If you arrive and there are other people hoping to get photos too, take turns. There was only one basketball court not in use by locals, so I’d take a few photos and let someone else take their photos.

Then, when they were done, I’d take another turn taking photos. I ended up hanging out for 2 hours and even threw a few shots with some local kids. They appreciate you sharing the space with them!

Do your best as a visitor here to enjoy the space with its residents. It’s pretty amazing that a public housing sector draws hundreds of tourists each day– it’s no doubt a bittersweet feeling for locals. Be respectful, “get the shot,” and play some basketball!

The post How to Find Choi Hung Estate Basketball Court in Hong Kong appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad

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