Sunday, July 1, 2018

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit French Polynesia

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit French Polynesia

Bora Bora

Water boating in French Polynesia

Friends in French Polynesia

Jet Skiing in Bora Bora

Bora Bora resort

Hammock in French Polynesia

Hotel Pool in French Polynesia

Beach in French Polynesia

Beach in French Polynesia

Bike Riding in Bora Bora

Water in French Polynesia

Blonde boating in French Polynesia-6

Water in French Polynesia

Dock in French Polynesia

Water in French Polynesia

Boat in French Polynesia

Boating in French Polynesia

Underwater in French Polynesia

Diving in French Polynesia

Friends at Waterfall in French Polynesia

Sunset in French Polynesia

Sunset in French Polynesia

Welcome to paradise. You haven’t sparkling turquoise water and flawless beaches until you have visited French Polynesia. This place is straight out of a dream! Everywhere you look, the natural beauty just takes your breath away.

From swimming through the pristine coral of Taha’a to sailing the sparkling seas off of Rangiroa to being enchanted by the view of Bora Bora, my jaw dropped the moment I arrived, and it never closed.

While French Polynesia is certainly a far-flung location, it’s well worth it. I took an eight-hour direct flight from Los Angeles to Tahiti, so the travel time wasn’t too bad. Once you are there, it’s easy to island hop. Air Tahiti is a local airline that will take you everywhere that you want to go, in addition to some ferry options.

Tahiti is the place to be for adventure, hiking, and spending every possible moment outdoors under the sunshine. I loved Rangiroa, particularly the reef outside of Kia Ora, for its beautiful diving.

There are dive shops throughout the islands of Tahiti, and they cater to everyone from beginners to pros.

Even if you aren’t a diver, the snorkeling will knock your swim fins off! French Polynesia’s 118 islands and atolls each have their unique underwater world.

There are 800 unique fish species there and beautiful coral reefs all over. Another unforgettable destination is the island of Taha’a, which is famous for its fragrant vanilla plantations and, like much of French Polynesia, you can check out fresh, locally sources pearls from the farms dotting the islands.

Last but certainly not least, there are the gorgeous overwater bungalows of Bora Bora. Once you have spent a night in one of these, you’ll never want to go home!

Beyond just the tourist elements, French Polynesia has a unique culture. Their small population has been living in relative isolation for more than 3,000 years on the islands, and they have their own one-of-a-kind traditions. I’d highly recommend seeing a local fire dance show! It’s seriously impressive and is said to have began hundreds of years ago by the people of Polynesia.

Like any tropical island, the weather in French Polynesia is incredible. From November to April, it’s hot and humid, while May to October has cooler weather. The prime time to visit is from June to August when the temps range in the balmy mid-80s to mid-90s (perfect beach weather!).

SHOP my French Polynesia travel essentials!

READ NEXT: 10 Reasons to Visit French Polynesia

The post 20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit French Polynesia appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad

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