Thursday, November 16, 2017

Eating Rotten Shark in Iceland


OK, I know what you’re thinking, but I highly recommend trying out new foods when you travel. Cuisine is so closely tied to culture, and some of my best memories have been made while breaking bread around the world.

From fried bugs to rotten fish, there are so many crazy and incredible foods to try. While some of them are truly awful, some are actually tastier than you might think.

On my most recent trip driving Iceland’s Ring Road, we stopped into the town of Blönduós to try the “national dish of Iceland”, Kæstur hákarl, also known as fermented or rotten shark.

Hungry? Here’s what you should know about eating rotten shark at Ektafiskur in Iceland.

shark cubes in iceland

The Basics

Rotten Shark, or kæstur hákarl as it is known in the Icelandic language, is a traditional delicacy in Iceland that dates back to the time of the Vikings. While it might not be at the top of your must-eat list, it has always made practical sense in the kitchens of Iceland.

One of my fave spots, Iceland has a lot of stunning natural wonders. It does not, however, have much in terms of vegetation. Since farm land is sparse and conditions are harsh, the people of Iceland have always had to be a creative when it comes to food.

This is where rotten shark enters the picture.

While it may seem like a strange thing to eat, it makes perfect sense in the fish-heavy diet of Iceland. Although Iceland has some amazing seafood right off its shores, shark isn’t exactly sushi ready. In fact, Greenland Sharks are actually toxic.

This means that they need to be processed before eating. Typically, the shark is cured with a traditional fermentation process and then dried for four to five months until ready.

This process leaves it with a UNIQUE taste and smell…

blonde eating shark in iceland

What Rotten Shark Tastes Like

Celeb chef Anthony Bourdain described Iceland’s rotten fish as “the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thing” he has ever eaten. And I have to agree!

It wasn’t the flavor that was even the worst part though. The smell was actually more intense than anything else. It reminded me of a mix of hair bleach, rotten fish, and blue cheese.

ekta fish sign in iceland

Sunset over Bluondos, Iceland

Rotten Shark at Ektafiskur in Blönduós

We went on the Ektafiskur Experience tour, and it was unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced. Eating your way into the infamous “The Rotten Shark Club of Hauganes” is one of the highlights of the tour, but it’s not the only thing that they do at Ektafiskur.

This place is most famous for keeping the traditional salted cod industry alive. While nearly every little town in Iceland used to make this savory treat, the Blönduós facility is one of the few places still keeping the industry afloat.

The host of the Ektafiskur Experience tour, Elvar Reykjalin, brings the whole experience to life (just watch my video!). He will give you insight into Nordic life and tell you more than you ever thought you wanted to know about the fishing and seafood industry.

Once you’ve seen it all, stick around for the delicious fish soup, and take in the spectacular view from the shores of Blönduós.

Helpful Tip: Like many things in Iceland, the restaurant at Ektafiskur, Baccalá Bar, is closed during the winter. If you arrive after September 1, you’ll need to have a group booking to visit.

house in Blönduós iceland

Other Things to Do in Blönduós, Iceland

The small town of Blönduós in northern Iceland is a popular spot, and it is where I first encountered rotten shark. The quaint town is home to the country’s only handcraft museum and other cool attractions, such as the Sea Ice Exhibition Center, the Icelandic Textile Center, and a sports center.

There’s also a spot to rent horses to go explore the gorgeous surrounding countryside of Blönduós. I recommend taking an afternoon to go horseback riding down the scenic trails. The horses and guides alike are friendly, so it’s approachable for complete beginners.

All photos in this post were edited with #TBAPresets. Click HERE for my presets!

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Read Next: How to Survive Iceland’s Ring Road in a Camper Van

Eating Rotten Shark in Iceland is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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