Sunday, July 30, 2017

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Morocco

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Morocco

blonde looking over marrakech

Moroccan Floor Tiles

blonde in pool at riad yasmin in morocco

Solo Female Traveler in Marrakech

blonde in morocco

blondes riding camels in sahara desert

blonde in fes

popsicles in fes

Blue Door in Chefchaouen

Cat on the streets of Fes

Worker in Morocco's Tanneries

Tanneries in Fes

Morocco has been a dream destination for me for a long time. This year I got to visit this magical place with my good friend, Jessica, of Bon Traveler!

This country is so vibrant and full of color, everywhere we went I was amazed by the unique culture.

Our two-week trip started off in the major city of Marrakech. Here we explored the busy streets, shops, and ate to our heart’s content. We stayed for two nights at the Pinterest-worthy Riad Yasmine, and from there went to La Mamounia Hotel for two more nights. 

There are so many markets in Marrakech filled with Moroccan goods– spices, rugs and beautiful clothes galore!

We woke up bright and early the next day to take a trip out to the Sahara desert with Luxury Desert Camp. After a camel ride through the dunes, we enjoyed a traditional dinner under the stars and stayed in glamping-style tent accommodations. The next night we marveled at the stunning landscapes outside our rooms at the L’Ma Lodge.

After our time in the Sahara, we traveled to Essaouira and stayed at the beautiful Villa MarcoAfter 2 nights in Essaouira, we headed back to Marrakech to catch the night train to Tangier. In the morning, we took a bus from Tangier to the blue city of Chefchaouen where we stayed at Dar Baibou. 

Spending just under 48 hours in Fes was just enough time, and the perfect way to end our epic adventure.  I had such an incredible time, and such a unique experience, traveling through Morocco with Jessica.

Morocco is truly a must-see destination!

Shop my Morocco essentials!

READ NEXT: Essential Tips for Your First Trip to Morocco


20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Morocco is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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