Saturday, April 22, 2017

Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam for Travel

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Drybar. All opinions are 100% mine.

Drybar Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam

I’ll be honest; when I’m traveling full-time I don’t always have the option to shower and wash my hair daily, so I struggle to keep my hair from becoming oily and dull. To combat this, I’ve always traveled with dry shampoo and it has become a big part of my travel beauty routine.

My Travel Beauty Essentials

If you’ve ever tried out dry shampoos in the past and struggle with the same oily issues, you’ve probably only seen it as a loose powder or as an aerosol spray. That’s why I’m so excited to share Drybar’s next-gen product, the new Detox Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam!

Yes, that’s right, foam.

This new whipped formula has just been released and so I tried it out for my first time on a recent weekend getaway. To be fair, when I first saw that it was a foam formula, I was very skeptical… how is a foam going to remove oil without buildup? It seemed counterintuitive.

I applied the foam and waited for it to dry and found that the Drybar Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam absorbed oil quickly and left my hair feeling clean– it even extended my blowout longer than normal!



Using Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam

Applying Dry Shampoo



The foam is ultra-light and has a light, fresh, and clean fragrance. I don’t like products that are heavily scented, like they’re trying to mask bad odor. This foam removes the smell of dirty hair and doesn’t overwhelm the senses.

It’s simple yet refreshing!

Unlike some products that leave your hair feeling crunchy, this dry shampoo’s light texture actually made my hair feel softer after use. I’ve also experienced dry shampoo products that have left white residue on my roots afterwards, however since this formula is powderless, it fully absorbed after I massaged it in a bit without leaving white residue.

Trying out Drybar's Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam

– My Final Thoughts –

This product definitely gave me the most volume out of any dry shampoo I’ve used. I’d recommend it to my girls on-the-go that are looking for an alternative to daily washing, however if you have thin, fine hair like me, a little goes a long way with this foam– contrary to many aerosol and powder products out there!

PS: Drybar also offers a travel-sized bottle so you can bring this essential anywhere!

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Whipped Dry Shampoo Foam for Travel is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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