Monday, November 2, 2015

10 Bucket List Trips to Take in College

10 Bucket List Trips to Take in College

College is a great time to experiment—take a leap and try things out of your comfort zone. While living on a college budget can be restricting to travel, it is well worth saving up for, and you can use your spring break or summer vacation to travel, with friends or solo.

Here are 10 bucket list trips to take in college!

Global Water Brigades Honduras

Global Water Brigades Honduras

1. Volunteer over Spring Break

Instead of the traditional party vibe that accompanies most Spring Breaks, join a volunteer effort abroad. There are hundreds of ways for young people to volunteer, from building libraries to feeding the homeless.

In my junior year, I joined a student-led volunteer effort in Honduras, Global Water Brigades, which organizes students into clean water programs all over the world.

Read Next: Global Water Brigades Honduras

Study Abroad

2. Study Abroad

Studying abroad is one of the best ways to explore a country, by spending a semester or school year abroad, you are able to truly immerse yourself into a culture.

Studying in a country is entirely different than a visit for just a week or two, so take the opportunity to get intimate with your host country. You can take courses in the local history, improve your language skills, or get to know a neighborhood market.

If you’re university offers a homestay program, jump at the chance!

Read Next: 10 Reasons to Study Abroad

Toboggan in Whistler

3. Explore Whistler on Winter Break

Canada is a magical place, and Whistler is by far one of the best winter getaways I’ve had. From snowmobiling, dogsledding, enjoying a Nordic-inspired spa, or skiing the slopes, Whistler is the best winter vacation destination!

Read Next: Top 10 Things to Do in Whistler During Winter

California Coast Road Trip

4. California Coast Road Trip

Though not as exotic as a trip abroad, the Pacific Coast Highway is an exhilarating experience.

Start the road in Santa Cruz, travel through Monterey and past the striking coastal cliffs of Big Sur. The drive will take you south through vineyard-rich valleys of San Luis Obispo and Napa, and onto San Francisco. Farther along is Santa Barbara and onto the windswept coast of San Diego.

It’s all the more fun if you can get your friends to come along for the ride.

Read Next: 3-Day California Coast Road Trip

Train Travel Europe

5. Euro Trip

Ah, the Euro Trip, the epitome of youth travel. Though each Euro Trip is different, encompassing how many countries for however long, the dream of a budget, backpacking trip through Europe is a favorite for college-age youth.

It’s a rite of passage for those who have time and reserves, and a great time to test yourself and your friends’ resourcefulness.

Read Next: The Beginner’s Guide to Backpacking Europe

Full Moon Party Thailand

6. Full Moon Party in Thailand

Okay, so you’re the beach party type but still want to go abroad. Head to Thailand!

The Full Moon Party is an all-night beach party on the island of Ko Pha Ngan. It’s mostly a tourist event that occurs around each month’s full moon, drawing up to 30,000 people. It’s a fun option if you’re in South Thailand already, as it’s just 30 minutes from Koh Samui by boat.

Read Next: The Beginner’s Guide to The Full Moon Party in Thailand

Inca Trail, Peru

7. Have a South American Adventure

South America is a popular choice for the traveler in their 20’s—cheap accommodation, short flights from the USA, and a Spanish-speaking majority.

Hike the mountains to Machu Picchu. Go canoeing in the rainforest with a guide. Party in Buenos Aires. South America is the perfect continent for newbie backpackers.

Read Next: The Beginner’s Guide to Backpacking South America

Surfing in Nosara, Costa Rica

8. Enjoy Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a great destination for college students interested in biology. There are a number of science centers in the cloud forests designed to study the local fauna and flora.

Learn about the rainforest in a hands-on environment. Follow in the footsteps of Von Humboldt and Darwin and study delicate ecosystems up-close!

Read Next: The Beginner’s Guide to Backpacking in Central America

Amsterdam Sign

9. Experience Amsterdam

If you book early enough, you can stay in Amsterdam on a tight budget, and student rates are often available for groups. Get your friends and hop on a flight to sightsee the canals and check out the local bars and clubs.

Amsterdam is very youth-friendly, with a plethora of free tours and concerts, especially in the summer.

Read Next: Amsterdam Travel Tips

The Yacht Week

10. Go on The Yacht Week

The Yacht Week is a fun sailing adventure where people can meet and party all week long. I’ve hopped on the yacht five times already, and always eager to go back to the gorgeous island destinations, amazing sea sunsets and fun parties.

Read Next: The Beginner’s Guide to The Yacht Week

Read Next: 20 Trips to take in your 20’s


Check out these college travel essentials!


10 Bucket List Trips to Take in College is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

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