Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sunday, December 15, 2019

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit New Orleans

20 photos inspire you to visit new orleans 

I’ve been to so many different places in the world but there’s something about New Orleans that I love. In fact, it’s one of my most recommended places to visit in the United States. With a culture unlike anywhere else, delicious food (hello, beignets!), and one of the most fun festivals in the world, New Orleans is a one-of-a-kind destination.

If you choose to visit this unique city, I highly recommend taking a food tour, wandering the French Quarter (with highlights including Jackson Square and Cabildo, where the Louisiana Purchase was signed in 1803), sipping on a Hurricane, and listening to some of its famous jazz.

You can find more activities to do in my 10 things you must do in New Orleans guide or check out my 4-day New Orleans itinerary!

Before booking your trip, look at hotels in the Warehouse District—one of my favorite parts of the city as it is close enough to the French Quarter where you can easily walk…but still get a full night of good sleep away from revelers! Great options in the Warehouse District include The Old No. 77 Hotel & Chandlery or the Ace Hotel.

The best time to visit New Orleans is from February to May when the weather is comfortably cool and there are many different events going on (Mardi Gras is a bucket list experience that everyone should experience at least once!). Personally, I’d avoid the height of summer (July and August) as it can get uncomfortably hot and humid.

However, if you’re down for a little humidity as the seasons start to shift, October can be a great time to head to the Big Easy. Or, if you don’t mind some chilly weather—visit in December or January when the crazy crowds have yet to hit.

If you’re on a budget, stick to the summer or fall. Just keep in mind that it’ll be very humid and there’s always a slight chance that a hurricane is on the horizon.

Have you been to New Orleans before? Are you planning a trip soon? Let me know in the comments below!

The post 20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit New Orleans appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad https://ift.tt/38CIx9o

Monday, November 4, 2019

Traveling With A Baby: Meet Dylan Fitzgerald Karsten!

Baby Travel Tips
Tips For Traveling with a Baby
Family Travel Tips

As a first-time dad, and frequent traveler, I’ve had to learn how travel with a baby through trial and error. Here are some of my best baby travel tips based on my experience!

Sooooo… I’m a dad! If you’ve been following me on social media for the past 7 months, you probably already knew that though.

But I haven’t properly introduced the little guy here on my blog, and thought it was time for you to meet him — especially since we’ve been traveling together.

Earlier this year, back in April, my wife Anna gave birth to our first child. A healthy baby boy we named Dylan Fitzgerald Karsten.

Just as most parents warned, having a baby is a life-changing experience.

I’ve since learned everyone has their own advice about traveling with a baby or opinions about whether to travel with a baby or not.

So I wanted to include my baby travel tips into the mix too!

My Introduction To Fatherhood

Our New Family
The Day Baby Dylan was Born!

On the day of his delivery, buzzing on a mixture of stress & adrenaline, a hospital nurse held baby Dylan up so I could see him for the first time.

Fresh from his mother’s womb — the first thing he did was pee on me. I began laughing & crying simultaneously due to pure joy. Welcome to fatherhood!

What’s it like being a first-time dad? If I had to sum it up, I guess a combination of love, excitement, anxiety, and exhaustion. With the former outweighing the later.

Becoming a dad is a life-altering experience. Of course I suspected as much after hearing from other dads, but living it yourself is always a bit different.

Up until this point in my life, I lived with as few responsibilities as possible.

For years I wandered around the world, living out of a backpack as a traveling digital nomad. Hopping from country to country with no home, no steady employer, and no real stability to speak of.

An admittedly pretty selfish existence chasing adventure, fun, life experiences, and personal development. It was great!

So for me, settling down and building a family was a big change. I won’t say it’s been easy either. There have been some speed-bumps along the way.

For example, adjusting sleep & work routines, additional planning (travel & life), stressful situations, unexpected surprises, constant baby chores, etc.

But it was a change I was ready for. As this new, more mature chapter of my life continues to evolve — I’m enjoying it more and more.

Traveling With A Baby

Baby Carrier for Travel
Walking around Slovenia with a Baby Carrier

Dylan was born at a private hospital in Poland via C-section, and after a few weeks, he traveled on his very first flight back to Verona Italy with us where we’ve been living as expats.

Already we were getting scolded by others for putting him on a plane. Which is ridiculous, because it was approved by a doctor. With kids, everyone has an opinion for how to raise them!

Fast forward 7-months later, and he’s already got two passports, is working on his 3rd, has boarded 27 flights and traveled to 6 countries so far.

Dylan has traveled more as a baby than I did when I was in my 20’s!

Traveling with a Baby and Cat
Family Hiking in the Italian Dolomites
Vacation with Your Baby
Dylan’s First Tropical Vacation to Mauritius

Why Travel With A Baby?

Many people prefer not to travel with babies because they think it will be extra difficult, super expensive, or their children won’t remember the trips.

Sure, I don’t think Dylan will remember traveling as a baby — but I have a feeling our travel experiences together are affecting him in other ways.

Exposure To The World

Dylan has an uncanny ability to fall asleep anywhere at anytime. Even with loud music & celebrations going on! Or, how he seems to love people, and is not afraid of strangers.

Travel exposes him to all kinds of people, places, sounds, smells, and weather. He’s not growing up in a bubble!

Stronger Immune System

In 7-months of life, Dylan has only had a single fever, which as new parents we definitely over-reacted to — freaking out and rushing to the hospital. LOL!

Altogether a pretty solid health record considering the travel he’s done. Personally, I think his immune system is more robust from all the trains, planes, and automobiles he’s exposed to.

Quality Time Together

We also get to spend a lot of quality time together traveling with Dylan. Sitting at home can be distracting with all the work, chores, and multi-tasking.

When we travel together, we can better focus on sharing our curious & exciting world with him. He really seems to enjoy traveling a lot, and is better behaved with so much stimulus going on.

And if you’re prepared, traveling with a baby doesn’t have to be very difficult.

Tips For Flying With A Baby

Baby Flying Tips
Flying with Dylan from Dubai to Milan

1. When Can You Fly With A Baby?

We got so much random advice about when to fly with a newborn baby. Much of it said wait until 2 months, after the first vaccinations, and when the immune system is more developed.

But the fact is most airlines allow babies to fly at only 2 weeks old. We flew with Dylan at 2 weeks and he slept the whole flight. No ear problems, no crying, nothing.

2. Babies Fly Free!

In the United States, children under 2 years old fly free in their parents lap. Yay! In Europe and internationally it’s not totally free, but close. You must pay 10% of your ticket price to travel with a child under 2.

Depending on the airline, babies also get their own free carry-on bag, gate-checked stroller, and maybe a car seat too.

After your kid turns two however, flying gets much more expensive and you’ll have to buy them their own seat with a full-price ticket.

3. TSA & Security Procedures

Much to the dismay of both airport security officials & travelers around the world, check-in procedures vary wildly depending on the particular airport/country.

Where one airport may not require you to remove your shoes or take out your laptop — at another one, they’ll yell at you for not doing it. It’s confusing as hell!

Expect the same when it comes to traveling with a baby.

Some airports are very family friendly, with dedicated family check-in lines and security screening. You can pass through security easily with your stroller and put hot water or baby formula through the x-ray.

Others are a huge pain in the ass, forcing you to fold up your stroller and squeeze it through the entire x-ray machine.

Travel Friendly Stroller
Strolling the Beach in Nice, France

4. Travel-Friendly Strollers

Many parents recommend traveling with a baby carrier for getting on and off airplanes, but we use our carry-on approved Babyzen YoYo+ Travel Stroller.

Using this stroller, there’s no need to gate-check it. You simply wheel your baby right onto the plane in many circumstances. It folds up super small and fits in the overhead compartment!

I have to admit, free priority boarding (boarding the airplane first) because of Dylan is a nice little perk if you fly a lot.

That is, unless you need to ride a shuttle bus to the airplane.

Then it doesn’t make any difference, and you get stuck behind everyone else climbing up the boarding ladder steps (carrying a baby, stroller, and bags).

5. Airplane Baby Bassinets

On long international flights, many airlines have sections that include a baby bassinet which hangs from the wall in front of your seats. This is super handy!

It allows you to let your baby sleep comfortably, and gives you a break from holding your baby for the entirety of an 8+ hour flight.

However, some airlines don’t offer bassinets, or only have a few available. Of the airlines who do offer them, like American & Delta, you can’t pre-book them and it’s first-come-first-serve when you show up at the gate.

The most baby-friendly airline we’ve flown with so far has been Emirates — not only do you automatically get assigned seats with a bassinet, they also give you a cute baby care package with a blanket, toys, wet-wipes, and more.

6. Timing Is Everything

Since we’ve become parents, we’ve had to plan out our flying experiences a bit more. You don’t want your baby screaming with a wet diaper or hungry for milk while waiting in lines or during takeoff or landing.

We try to change & feed Dylan at the airport’s baby-friendly bathroom right before boarding the flight, as well right before they turn on the seat belt signs inside the airplane to prepare for landing.

This way, he’s not freaking out when there’s little we can do for him. Of course there’s no guarantee it won’t happen regardless, but it minimizes the chances.

Also, unless we’re in a rush to catch a connecting flight, we’ll often de-board the plane last to avoid fighting with pushy passengers attempting to remove luggage from the overhead bins. It’s just not worth the stress.

7. Feeding During Takeoff & Landing

To prevent your baby from experiencing ear pain due to changing cabin pressure during airplane takeoffs and landings, try to feed them a little formula or at least play tug-of-war with the pacifier.

This will encourage your baby to “swallow” which relieves the ear pressure difference and any related pain.

8. Request An Empty Seat

If your route isn’t too full, there still may be empty seats on the plane. You can try to ask the gate attendant to move you to an empty row, so you won’t bother other passengers (and you’ll get some extra room yourself).

I’ve found that some passengers hate flying with babies on board, while others love it and make funny faces at Dylan from across the plane!

USEFUL TIP: Get your baby changing gear ready for when the “ding” sound indicates it’s safe to move about the cabin after takeoff, and run for the nearest airplane bathroom to avoid waiting in line!

General Baby Travel Tips

Traveling by Train
Traveling by Train is Always Fun

1. Pack Light

You don’t need to pack a week’s worth of diapers when traveling with a baby. Bring enough supplies to last a day or two, buy the rest while you’re there.

Our Baby Packing List

  • Baby Carrier – For hands-free travel with a baby, and especially good for destinations with lots of stairs.
  • Folding Travel Stroller – We try to use a stroller as much as possible, and you can store extra stuff under it.
  • Car Seat – This isn’t always needed. You can often rent car seats with your car rental company.
  • Diaper Bag – I recommend one that includes a changing pad, because many changing tables aren’t padded (or cleaned often)
  • Diapers – Bring more than you think you need, but don’t go overboard either. You can always buy more at your destination.
  • Wet Wipes – Make sure to bring a new package so you don’t run out! Plus a backup travel-size package in the stroller.
  • Extra Bottles & Formula – We pre-fill baby bottles with the right amount of powder. Simply add hot water, cold water, and shake.
  • Hot Water Thermos – Keeps water hot for hours, making it easy to prepare bottles for feeding.
Changing Baby in Sink
No Changing Table? Improvise with a Sink!

2. Be Flexible

If you think travel is unpredictable, just try traveling with a baby. It certainly increases the chances of things going wrong during your trip.

For example, you’ll probably want to arrive at the airport earlier than normal, so you have time to change and feed them before the flight. Plus extra time for passing through security.

Be ready to change plans at a moment’s notice, and have a backup option if your baby isn’t cooperating. Like leaving a restaurant early when your baby starts screaming hysterically.

Don’t force the baby on grueling 6-hour city walking tours. Maybe schedule fewer activities each day than you normally would alone. You’ve got someone else to think of now!

3. Book Baby Friendly Hotels

There are a few things that make staying in a hotel with a baby much easier. We look for hotels and Airbnb’s that provide cribs, plus a hot-water machine or stove to prepare formula for feeding. Laundry machines are a bonus too!

That said, don’t always trust the popular hotel booking sites while you’re searching.

We’ve come across a few instances where the booking search engine said babies weren’t allowed, but if you call the hotel, they’ll say differently. When in doubt, call the hotel to double-check before booking.

4. Accept Other People’s Help

When you’re traveling with a baby, strangers will often offer to help out. Carrying a stroller up some stairs, taking your bags off a train, etc.

In the beginning, our first reaction was to decline any help. But now we gladly accept it when offered. People will offer up their spot in an elevator, give up their seat on a subway, and more.

Use your best judgement of course, but don’t be afraid to accept some help from kind strangers and make traveling with a baby a little less stressful.

5. Hire A Local Babysitter

When we traveled to Mauritius when Dylan was only 8 weeks old, our accommodation offered babysitting services. Sometimes it’s worth the extra expense of staying in a resort for this option!

You could also ask a friend who lives in the country you’re visiting to do a little research for you, or maybe talk to the hotel or your Airbnb host to get ideas.

6. Your Baby Needs A Passport

If you’re traveling internationally with your baby, they’re going to need a passport. Both parents need to be available for the process. You’ll need to bring proof of citizenship, identification, and relation to the child.

Generally getting your baby a US passport will take 4-6 weeks, but there are expedited services that take 8 days.

We got lucky & organized Dylan’s Polish passport in only 2 days. His US passport from the US Embassy in Warsaw was ready in only 5 days!

Passports for newborn babies are good for 5 years before they’ll need a new one.

7. Pack Spare Clothes

There is nothing worse than the dreaded “baby blowout”. They may not happen often, but when they do, they’ll destroy your baby’s clothes, as well as yours.

Pack a spare set of clothes for your baby, as well as a spare shirt for yourself too. Just in case! To help prevent blowouts, try sticking a woman’s menstrual pad to the back of your baby’s diaper…

8. Don’t Panic Over Schedules

Some parents put their babies on strict feeding and napping schedules. We don’t. Dylan sleeps when he’s sleepy, and eats when he’s hungry.

Trying to stick to a special napping and feeding schedule while traveling with your baby isn’t going to be very practical. Save yourself some stress and let them do their own thing.

Traveling Without Your Baby…

Solo Travel without Baby
What About Traveling Without Him?

Just because I have a family now doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon independent travel. Both Anna & I have embarked on solo trips since Dylan was born, and will continue to do so.

In fact, after months learning the ropes of parenthood, we’ve decided to take a break together and travel to Antarctica — without Dylan.

A 3-week vacation while my parents watch over him (thanks guys!).

As any parent will tell you, having a baby is hard work. Even with babysitters or family members helping out. Sometimes you just need a break!

While becoming a parent has it’s challenges, it doesn’t mean you have to completely give up your previous lifestyle. And independent travel has been a big part of our lives — both for work and for fun.

We frequently travel as a family, but sometimes I’ll take a solo trip for a week or two while Anna watches Dylan, or she’ll visit a new country while I stay home.

Having a baby doesn’t have to interfere with the pursuit of your travel dreams — as a family or on your own!

Travel Planning Resources

Packing Guide

Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.

Book Your Flight

Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.

Rent A Car

Discover Cars is a great site for comparing car prices to find a deal.

Cheap Accommodation

Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.

Protect Your Trip

Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

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I hope you enjoyed my tips for traveling with a baby! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Have any questions about traveling with a baby? Any other suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

from Expert Vagabond https://ift.tt/2WGqIRa

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fall Hiking Outfit Inspiration from Backcountry

The post Fall Hiking Outfit Inspiration from Backcountry appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad https://ift.tt/31JEymA

Best Travel Gear (My Ultimate Travel Packing List)

Curious about the travel gear I bring with me on my international adventures? I’ve put together this gear page to share my long-term travel packing list. Obviously, I recommend traveling with high-quality, lightweight & durable stuff.

The travel gear I use may not work for everyone. I carry extra photography equipment to maintain this travel blog, along with camping equipment for trekking up mountains, hitchhiking long distance, or exploring rainforests on my own.

All travelers have different tastes & requirements while on the road. The following gear list is just what I’ve found works best for MY particular “adventure” travel style.

Travel Gear

While I often travel on an extreme budget, my gear can be expensive. I want it to be functional, multi-purpose, comfortable, and very tough. I don’t want to keep replacing worn-out equipment every few months while abroad — plus I have a slight obsession with keeping travel gear as lightweight as possible!

“He who would travel happily must travel light.”
~ Antoine de St. Exupery
(One of my favorite quotes about travel!)

Top Travel Gear List For 2019

Travel Luggage: Rolling Bag VS Backpack

Ah, the eternal question. Travel backpack, suitcase, or rolling duffel? This is going to come down to personal preference — and what kind of traveling you plan to do.

If you’re riding chicken-buses through Central America or hitchhiking around Africa, you’ll probably want a travel-friendly backpack. If you spend a lot of time in cities or fly frequently, you might prefer a rolling duffel or suitcase.

I started vagabonding around the world with a backpack, but my travel style has changed over the years, where I now find a rolling duffel bag more convenient for most things.

Mainly, due to carrying a lot more photography gear for my work on this travel blog.

My Main Travel Bags

I currently travel with 3 different bags. A rolling duffel as my main bag, a backpack for mountain trekking or wilderness trips, and a carry-on camera backpack.

I usually only need to check one bag, the rolling duffel. The hiking backpack can lie-flat inside it. For bigger trips that require more technical gear (like winter camping), I’ll check both.

North Face Rolling Thunder

My current favorite travel bag with plenty of room, heavy-duty lockable zippers and a waterproof shell. A seperate compartment for hiking boots, and big wheels for dirt roads & cobblestones.

Gregory Zulu 55 Backpack

This lightweight, super comfortable overnight trekking & travel backpack includes full front-zipper access to all my gear. It can lie flat in my roller bag if I don’t need to check both.

Lowepro Whistler Camera Bag

My amazing carry-on camera & laptop backpack. I use this for day hikes with my camera gear, but it has room for things like snacks, water, jacket, full-size tripod, snowboard, ice-axe, etc.

READ MORE: How To Choose The Perfect Travel Backpack

Basic Travel Gear

This is my basic, standard travel gear that goes with me on every trip. From items that make flights more comfortable to gear that helps me stay organized while traveling.

READ MORE: Best Gifts For Travelers In 2019

Backpacking & Camping Gear

As an adventure addict, I do a lot of overnight backpacking, trekking, and camping when I travel. So I pack some specialized outdoor gear for these types of journeys, much of it pretty high-end (super lightweight & durable).

READ MORE: My Complete Backpacking Gear Checklist

Travel Clothing & Apparel

You don’t need a huge wardrobe to travel. Here’s some of the clothing I pack when traveling around the world. I try to buy stuff that’s lightweight and wrinkle resistant. As for how much? I generally pack: 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shorts, 5 t-shirts, 2 nicer shirts, 2 sweatshirts/sweaters, 5 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of socks, and 1 swimsuit.

READ MORE: How I Do Laundry While Traveling

Tech Gadgets For Travelers

I would not be able to produce a travel blog of this caliber without some computer equipment. Other electronics are not absolutely needed, but they improve my quality of life on the road enough to be worth the weight.

My Travel Photography Gear

For the photographers out there, this is the camera equipment I use for adventure travel photography around the world. While I shoot images for this blog, I also sell images to magazines, brands, and national tourism boards. I carry more camera equipment than the average traveler because it’s part of my business.

READ MORE: Best Travel Cameras For Different Budgets

Why Not Travel Carry-On Only?

I’ve traveled carry-on only before, and still do occasionally if it’s a short weekend trip. However as I’ve collected more camera gear for the travel photography side of my business, I was forced to check a bag again in order to fill my carry-on with camera gear.

And you know what? After 9 years of regular travel, the airlines have only lost my checked-bag 4 times. In all but one of those cases my bag showed up the next day — it was not a big problem. Losing a bag for a day is not the crisis some travelers pretend it is.

Only once did it take a week to get my bag back. While this particular situation certainly sucked, having this happen once in 9 years, with all the flying I do, does not make it a frequent occurrence.

Checking a bag is not the end of the world… and odds are very high it will be waiting for you at luggage claim.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

from Expert Vagabond https://ift.tt/2goxZTr

Thursday, October 17, 2019

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Chefchaouen

blue Chefchaouen Header Chefchaouen Morocco Inspiration-20 Chefchaouen Morocco Inspiration-7 Chefchaouen Morocco Inspiration-20

Perched right below the peaks of Rif sits Chefchaouen, arguably one of the prettiest towns in Morocco. Featured all over Instagram, the artsy blue-washed village feels as if you’ve been transported into a new world the minute you arrive.

Nicknamed “The Blue Pearl,” the village was founded in 1471 by Jews and Moors who were fleeing from Spain. There are many different theories as to why it’s blue. Some say it was painted by the Jews who settled there after escaping Europe in the 1930s, while others say it keeps the mosquitos away.

It’s also said to be blue because it represents the color of the sea and the sky.

Whatever the reason for its magnificent blue hue, one this is certain: Chefchaouen is absolutely stunning and is a major highlight in Morocco—find some of my other highlights in this two-week itinerary for Morocco!

Because Morocco can get pretty hot, wandering around town during the day can get pretty uncomfortable. This makes choosing the best time to visit important as walking is the easiest way to get around town. My favorite time to visit is between March and April when you’ll find deals on hotels and flights and you won’t have to bump shoulders with crowds of people.

If you do decide to visit during the warmer months, keep in mind that Morocco is a conservative country. This means you’ll want to err on the side of caution when trying to decide what to pack and how to dress. Luckily for you, I put together a list of what to pack for a trip to Morocco so you won’t be stuck second-guessing your suitcase!

If these photos have piqued your interest and you want to learn more about what to expect in Chefchaouen, check out my Ultimate Guide to Chefchaouen!

Want to explore Chefchaouen on a group tour? Check out the TBA Escapes trip to Morocco!

The post 20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Chefchaouen appeared first on The Blonde Abroad.

from The Blonde Abroad https://ift.tt/2BlUYak