Thursday, August 31, 2017

Day Trip to Gozo Island in Malta

Day Trip to Gozo Island in Malta

While the main island of Malta has amazing nightlife and ultra popular tourist spots, Gozo Island is the perfect place to just unwind. Dotted with sandy beaches and rocky coves, the pace of life is slower here.

One of the three main islands that make the Mediterranean nation of Malta, Gozo Island is full of stunning panoramas and historic sites, including one of Malta’s best-preserved prehistoric temples, the UNESCO World Heritage Site site of Ġgantija.

If you are headed to Malta, this is one place you can’t miss.  Here’s my experience taking a day trip to Gozo Island in Malta.

boat to gozo island

taxi fares on gozo island

Getting to Gozo Island

From Cirkewwa on the island of Malta, there’s a boat that goes every 45 minutes. It’s year-round but you’ll find that the hours are a bit reduced during the winter.

You can grab a round-trip ticket for €4.65. The process is super straightforward and you’ll have no trouble finding anything, including English speaking agents and signage.

It takes 30 minutes to get from Malta to Gozo. Once you get across the water, you’ll arrive at Mgarr, a harbor town on the east coast of Gozo Island.

cafe in gozo island

Where to Eat & Drink on Gozo Island

Maltese cuisine is an eclectic blend of different Mediterranean influences and there are a lot of tasty treats here. Be sure to hit up at least one bakery or street food stall that’s got pastizzi, a fluffy pastry, or Ħobż tal-Malti, a traditional Maltese bread.

Also, keep yours peeled for the famous lampuka fish and Pixxispad, a grilled swordfish, then wash it all down with Ċisk, an ultra popular local beer.

Here are a few of the best spots to find all kinds of good food on Gozo Island:

Ta’ Philip: This place is famous for its “Made in Gozo” dishes. Their ultra local ingredients and wood burning oven come together to create incredible food. If you’re a wine lover, be sure to go to their Candle Lounge, which is underneath the restaurant and has a great selection of wines.

Zeppi’s Pub: For a good atmosphere, drinks, and live music get to Zeppi’s Pub. On top of being a popular hangout for locals, this is a definite upgrade from your standard pub grub.

The Flower of Scotland: Another bar with tasty food, this is the place to come for local meat and veggie pies. They’ve even serve fresh vegetable sides, which is definitely a nice surprise from a little pub.

The Diamond: They’ve got the best fish and chips on Gozo Island- and that’s saying a lot for a former British colony with UK influences around every corner. Come here to get a meal fit for the Queen.

gozo island artifact

building in gozo island

view of gozo island town

lace shopping in gozo island

basilica gozo island

What to Do

Sightsee in Victoria: The capital city of Gozo Island, this tiny town has a popular of just under 7,000 but it packs a lot into a little space. Known as Rabat or ir-Rabat in Maltese, Victoria is a glimpse into what Malta looked like before it was a tourist hotspot. It’s easy to just wander around and take in the beauty of the town.

Be sure to snap some shots of George’s Basilica!

The Citadel: A must-see for every visitor to Gozo Island, the citadel has been the center of the island since way back to Neolithic times. It’s a short and sweet tour with good photo ops.

Shop: It’s easy to just wander around and do some shop hopping. Pjazza Indipendenza, aka Independence Square aka it-Tokk, is the heart of the shopping area and a place you can’t miss. Mornings are the perfect time to get down to the square for their open air market.

Helpful Tip: You’ll find many a few places have a couple of names or more. Sometimes the English name is pretty different from the Maltese name (see: Victoria and Rabat!). It’s not really confusing when you’re there but it can throw you off when you’re planning online.

Walk the Main Street: Triq ir-Repubblika, aka Republic Street, is the place to be. It’s got shopping and some pretty spots like the opera house and public gardens.

Go Scuba Diving or Snorkeling: There are an endless line of spots to snorkel and, if you like to dive, the MV Karwela Wreck, Double Arch Cave, Blue Hole, and Reqqa Reef are amazing.

Visit the Megalithic Temples: Heaven for any history buff, the Ġgantija temples fascinating. They are the oldest Megalithic Temples of Malta and are actually older than the pyramids of Egypt.

Shop my Malta Style!

READ NEXT: Day Trip to the Blue Lagoon in Malta


Day Trip to Gozo Island in Malta is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Bazaruto Island

20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Bazaruto Island

mozambique beach

Boat in bazaruto island

Aerial View of Bazaruto Isalnd

mozambique desert

coffee in mozambique

pool and palms in mozambique

Beach on Bazaruto Island

Diving with Manta Ray

underwater mozambique

mozambique desert sunset

Blonde in desert in bazaruto island

sunset in mozambique

blonde in mozambique desert

After basing myself in Cape Town this year, I set my sights on exploring more of Africa. Not only does Mozambique share a border with South Africa, but it is known for it’s stunning beaches and incredible scuba diving. Right up my alley!

After doing some research, I opted to visit visit Bazaruto Island, an island in a small group of islands off the coast of southern Mozambique called the Bazaruto Archipelago.

These islands sit within the Bazaruto National Park, and have thriving, protected reefs and marine life.

The largest island, although not very wide, Bazaruto, is known for it’s white-sand beaches and picturesque sand dunes. After a short island hopper flight, I checked into the Anantara Bazaruto to experience the island and explore the underwater mecca. It is a beautiful property, with luxury accommodations and top-notch dining, and blew my expectations out of the water.

With the gorgeous, warm water of the Indian Ocean, you’ll find full of rare dugongs, turtles, whales, dolphins, and endless rainbows of fish around the archipelago. It’s the perfect spot for beginning and advanced divers alike!

On top of diving, you can enjoy other water sports, and you can even captain a traditional dhow boat. I highly recommend taking a day trip to Paradise Island and taking a tour of the local village.

Don’t miss your chance to visit this slice of African paradise!

Shop my Mozambique Style!


READ NEXT: Diving at The Anantara Bazaruto Island Resort in Mozambique


20 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Bazaruto Island is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Ultimate Survival Packing Guide for Burning Man

Survival Packing Guide for Burning Man

With thousands of attendees and extreme weather conditions, Burning Man is not as simple as just showing up and chilling out for a week. There’s a lot to know about preparing for this event physically, emotionally, and financially.

After securing a ticket, your next step is to gather and efficiently pack everything you’ll need for a week on the playa. And I mean EVERYTHING.

If you need more information, don’t miss my Beginner’s Guide to Burning Man!

I have made three trips out to Black Rock City for Burning Man. Each year, I did things a little differently. I self-camped my first year, I joined a camp my second year (but brought my own food), and I flew directly into BRC and stayed at a fully hosted camp my third year. I’ve even ventured to AfrikaBurn in South Africa to experience the burn in an entirely new way.

Regardless of how you choose to experience the burn, there are some absolute essentials you need to pack for Burning Man in order to stay safe, be prepared and have fun!

Here’s my survival packing guide for Burning Man!

Burning Man Ticket

Don’t Forget Your Ticket!

This is obvious but essential.

Burning Man Frame Installation

Distrikt Camp at Burning Man

Camping Essentials for Burning Man

Depending on your camp setup, these are some of the most vital things you will need to survive out in Black Rock City!

Reminder: Make sure that you secure your structure/tent

Magic Installation at Burning Man

Toiletry Essentials for Burning Man

Long days in the sun and dust can wreak havoc on the skin and health, so make sure to bring these toiletry essentials along with you.

  • Eyedrops
  • Wet Wipes
  • Toilet Paper
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip Balm
  • Body Lotion — coconut oil is also a dream!
  • Vinegar — the dust on the playa is alkali, so you’ll want to wipe down with a water and a small amount of vinegar solution each day to prevent your skin from cracking!
  • Ear Plugs — the burn is 24 hours a day, so you’ll need heavy duty ear plugs to drown out the noise.

Just in case: Advil, antacidsNeosporinhydrocortisoneEmergenC, cold + flu medicine!

Nighttime at Burning Man

Food + Drink Essentials for Burning Man

Some people staying in fully air-conditioned RV’s may have a few more options than most, but the best rule of thumb is to pack non-perishable food. Depending on your camp, you’ll need to determine if you are on your own for food, or if your camp will be pooling responsibilities.

Regardless, I always bring a lot of snacks to get me through the days. Here are some ideas for snacks and easy to make meals:

Reminder: Don’t bring a bunch of stuff that will create a lot of waste either as you need to keep your own trash and remove it from the Playa when you leave.

For drinking receptacles, I’d recommend bringing 2 large, reusable water bottles— one or water, and one for alcohol.

For the bottle with your “adult beverages”, make sure to photocopy your ID and tape it onto your bottle — you will be carded throughout the day and in different camps. Also, bring a reusable coffee mug for your morning beverages!

Lastly, don’t forget WATER, WATER, WATER!

I can’t stress WATER enough. 1.5 gallons of water per day per person is recommended.

Make sure that the water is POTABLE. You can find more info on water recommendations here.

Decorated Bike for Burning Man

Bike Essentials for Burning Man

You absolutely 100% need a bike for Burning Man. Your stuff is mostly safe on the playa, but you do NOT want to have someone “accidentally” take your bike. Burning Man without a bike is a huge buzzkill. Always, always ALWAYS lock your bike.

The playa provides some community bicycles that you’re free to use. The idea is that you’re allowed to use it to get from point A to point B, then it’s up for grabs, so do not rely on using them!

There are also bike camps that will help you repair flats and any issues you have, but the lines tend to be hours long. Come prepared!

Helpful Tip: Tag your bike lock/bag with your name, playa camp coordinates, and contact information!

Burning Man Art

Buying and Renting Bicycles for Burning Man

Depending on how you plan to arrive on the playa, it is sometimes easier and more practical to rent a bike than to buy one and bring it out yourself. Renting can sometimes cost the same as buying one, so just determine whether you’ll use the bike again.

If you’re flying directly into BRC, Playa Bike Repair lets you order online and then you can pick up and return your bike at their camp on the playa.

If you’re flying into Reno, Black Rock Bicycles sells and rents bikes out of Reno.

If you have a local shipping address and are driving out, I’d suggest investing in a beach cruiser that you can use again and again.

Burning Man outift

Burning Man Rainbow Outfit

Clothing + Accessories for Burning Man

Burning Man is all about radical self-expression, so wear whatever you want, or nothing at all! These are some absolute essentials for surviving the cold, heat and dust!

  • Riding Boots
  • Combat Boots
  • Fur Coat — it gets COLD at night, so look for vintage furs at thrift shops or bring a faux fur (just make sure it’s actually warm)
  • Goggles — for dust storms
  • Dust Mask — did I mention it gets dusty?
  • Sunglasses — it’s bright out
  • Scarfs — you’ll want to protect yourself from the dust and heat
  • Gloves — wear gloves during the day to prevent blisters from your bike handlebars
  • Fishnets — I wear fishnets pretty much every day
  • Comfy Socks — bring 2 pairs for every day
  • Hydration Pack — did I mention you need water?

Be sure to pack a “Post Playa Outfit” safely away in a Ziploc so you can return to life in clean clothes on the way back home. Also, be sure to pack extra plastic bags/garbage bags for all your dusty clothes!

READ MORE: The Beginner’s Guide to Burning Man


The Ultimate Survival Packing Guide for Burning Man is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Day Trip to the Blue Lagoon in Malta               

Day Trip to the Blue Lagoon in Malta

Comino Island is a haven for snorkelers, divers, and windsurfers from around the planet. Named after the cumin that grows all over the island, this incredible place is thick with fragrant wild herbs and flowers.

While the smell is amazing, the real jewel of this Maltese island is the famous Blue Lagoon.

One of the most beautiful beaches in Malta, the the Blue Lagoon on Comino Island is well worth the trip. Located on the tiny, car-free islands of Comino, it’s the perfect Mediterranean escape.

Here’s my experience taking a day trip to the Blue Lagoon in Malta!

boat on blue lagoon

blue lagoon

What to Expect

The boat ride to Comino Island is incredibly picturesque. Have your camera ready for shots of the beautiful caves and sea cliffs along the route there. It’s a quick trip from anywhere in Malta and the journey is Instagram-worthy from beginning to end.

As soon as you arrive at Comino Island, you will see how crazy popular this place is. There are always tons of people arriving at once. Normally, anything so touristy puts me off a bit, but this place is worth it.

You can’t blame tourists for crowding in to see this gorgeous spot!

The Blue Lagoon is shallow. It’s basically a giant swimming pool. The water is calm, shallow, and crystal clear. It’s a good place to snorkel or just enjoy the warm water.

Try to get to Comino Island early so you can beat the crowd and maximize your day– it’s all about basking in the sun so try to maximize your hours of daylight.

feet in water blue lagoon

blonde in blue lagoon

Getting There

The Maltese archipelago is made up of three main islands, Malta, Gozo and Comino, along with many smaller uninhabited islands. The big three islands are close together and it’s easy to travel between them so you plan to check them all out even on a short trip.

Gozo Island and Comino Island are both less than 30 minutes from the main island of Malta.

There are tons of boats and ferries that bring people to Comino Island, however, I’d recommend getting a private charter boat. When you go with a private company, you can arrive early and enjoy the water instead of being stuck on shore. You’ll probably only spend one day boating around Comino Island so it’s best to make the most of it.

blue lagoon in malta

blonde at the blue lagoon in malta

blue lagoon in malta

blonde with flamingo in blue lagoon in malta

Other Tips

Venders are everywhere: There are food and souvenir vendors on the cliffs that you can reach so feel free to hike around with worrying about having to buy stuff before you go up.

They’ve got flamingos: There are inflatable toy salespeople so you can buy a floating flamingos for the water before you grab some Comino Island selfies and send the day wading around.

Secure a spot: There are chairs and umbrellas available for rent, but again, get there early to get a good spot!

Save some cash: Like most touristy spots, it’s pricey to buy the basics here. Bring your own sunscreen, towel and water so you don’t have to pay marked up rates.

Get some peace and quiet: If you want to break away from the crowd for a while, Santa Maria Bay is just a 20 min walk from The Blue Lagoon and it’s got shallow, clear waters. St. Nichola’s Bay is another beach that is about a 20 minute walk and is good for snorkeling.


Shop my favorite Malta style essentials!

READ NEXT: 15 Tips for Traveling Europe


Day Trip to the Blue Lagoon in Malta                is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Ultimate Marrakech Travel Guide

the ultimate marrakech travel guide

Easily one of the most beautiful and fascinating cities in Morocco, no trip to Northern Africa is complete without checking out Marrakech.

This 1000-year-old city is home to a thriving medina, amazing shopping, and some of the most gorgeous architecture you’ll find anywhere in the world.

Ready to fall in love with Morocco? Here’s the ultimate Marrakech travel guide.

What to Expect in Marrakech

What to Expect in Marrakech

  • Language: In Marrakech, you’ll hear a flurry of languages including French, Spanish, Arabic, and Berber. English is common anywhere touristy, but it’s definitely handy to know a few words of French.
  • Currency: Morocco uses dirhams, and one US dollar will get you about 11 of them. When it comes to spending money, carry cash and expect to haggle in the markets.
  • Climate: Marrakech is warm all year. Average temps are around 55 in the coldest months and 85 in the summer. It can get super hot (100+) on summer afternoons so plan for some steamy days.
  • Culture: Morocco is a Muslim country and so you’ll quickly notice some cultural differences. For starters, I’d recommend packing lightweight, loose fitting clothing that covers your shoulders and knees (think maxi skirts and scarves).
  • READ NEXT: What to Wear in Morocco as a Female Traveler

  • Cleanliness: When you are interacting with people, remember that the left hand is considered unclean so people always use their right hands for interactions and eating. Also, if you’re there on a weekend, it’s good to know that Fridays are holy days so some things are closed.

Where to Stay in Marrakech

Where to Stay in Marrakech

Marrakech is famous for its beautiful riads (guesthouses often converted from family homes) and you’ll find amazing little boutique riads dotting winding streets all over the city.

  •  Riad Yasmine:  One of Instagram’s most famous spots, every inch of the Riad Yasmine is picture perfect. Book in advance and find out why travel bloggers are obsessed with this place.
  •  La MamouniaAnother drop dead gorgeous spot, La Mamounia has been famous with generations of royals and celebs.
  •  Riad Kniza Marrakech: This luxe riad is located in the heart of the medina and, while it’s the perfect base for exploring the city, it’s the kind of place that you’ll never want to leave.
  •  Riad Mena & Beyond: Converted from a private home into a chic riad, they pack a lot into a little space. An intimate place with just six guest rooms, the Riad Mena & Beyond has a pool, Hammam, spa, and film screenings.
  •  AnaYela: This five-star spot in the center of the city is actually a 300-year-old city palace and, with luxury touches throughout, you’ll still feel like royal here.

Getting Around Marrakech

Getting Around Marrakech

It’s pretty easy to get around the city of Marrakech by foot and by taxi. We mostly walked, but I recommend having a map or using a phone with data to use Google maps as some of the directions can be tricky! You can also download offline maps in advance if you know where you will be headed.

City hopping in Morocco is easy and cheap. I took an overnight train from Marrakech to Tangier during my trip and had a good experience. If you’re traveling between Tangier, Fes, Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech, or any other major area in Morocco, train travel is the way to go.

I’d recommend opting for first class tickets since they’re only a bit more expensive than second class, and worth the comfort.

For spots farther afield, Supratours buses are a great option. It takes a little bit longer but it’s comfy and will take you anywhere you want to go.

Where to Eat in Marrakech

Where to Eat in Marrakech

As soon as you arrive, you’ll see why Moroccan food is famous the world over. There are so many traditional foods to try in Morocco that you won’t want to miss.

  • Nomads: For a fresh take on classic Moroccan cuisine, Nomad is the place to be. The food, though, is secondary to the incredible view that you’ll get from the rooftop terrace.
  • Le Jardin: The perfect spot for a light lunch, I love the cool throwback style of Le Jardin. They’ve also got a cool popup where you can find local garb.
  • El Fenn Riad: For a tasty breakfast or lunch with a stunning view of the Atlas Mountains, stop by this riad for a fusion of European and Moroccan dishes.
  • Latitude 31: This one is not like the rest. For a blend of African, Moroccan, and Mediterranean dishes that are one-of-a-kind, head to this stylish eatery.
  • Churchill Bar inside La Mamounia: The former haunt of Winston Churchill, the opulent leather walls, and retro animal print floor give this polished place an incredible old world charm.
  • Atay Cafe Food: With some of the tastiest food in Marrakech, this cozy café has great food, a good vibe, and a lovely view.
  • Le Marocain inside La Mamounia: Another amazing spot inside of La Mamounia, Le Marocain is absolutely gorgeous. Glam it up for a fun night out and prepare to be impressed!


Read More: Traditional Foods to Try in Morocco

What to Do in Marrakech

What to Do in Marrakech

  • Ben Youssef Mosque: The oldest and most important mosque in the city, no visit to Marrakech is complete with a visit to the beautiful Ben Youssef Mosque.
  • Shopping: I’m obsessed with Moroccan style. There are so many incredible handcrafted goods here. From leather bags to artisan rugs to spices, Marrakech is a shopper’s dream.
  • Bahia Palace: This 19th-century palace is now home to the Moroccan Ministry of Cultural Affairs. For a view of North African architecture at its best, don’t miss out on this palace.
  • High Tea: While it’s not the first place you might associate with high tea, the tea culture here is strong. You’ll find delicious mint tea all over the city or you can go to spots like Riad Chayma or La Mamounia for a classic high tea.
  • Spa: Marrakech has world class hammams and spas offering specialty treatments. One of my faves is La Mamounia.
  • Eat: I could go on for hours about how amazing Moroccan food is (check out my must-eat list and come hungry!) Whatever your taste is, you’ll find unforgettable grub here.




Shop my favorite Morocco style essentials!

READ NEXT: Essential Tips for Your First Trip to Morocco


The Ultimate Marrakech Travel Guide is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Staying at the AYANA Resort and Spa in Bali

Staying at the ayana resort and spa in bali

When I try to picture a tropical paradise, Bali is one of the first places that comes to my mind. With lush forests, sweeping rice fields, picture perfect beaches, and amazing diving, this stunning Indonesian islands is easily one of my favorite escapes.

Bali really is one of those places that has something for everyone. From surf hostels with non-stop parties to gorgeous luxury retreats, Bali has got you covered.

On my latest Balinese adventure, I treated myself to a five-star experience. Here’s what it was like staying at the AYANA Resort and Spa in Bali.

sunset in bali

Getting to the AYANA Resort in Bali

The AYANA Resort in Bali has a prime cliff-top location over Jimbaran Bay, just six miles from the airport. While it feels a million miles from anywhere, it’s actually a really central spot.

And Bali is an easy place to get around. You can bike, walk, or catch a ride. You’ll find taxis all over the island, along with bemo buses, which are basically public minibuses. The AYANA Resort also offers a resort shuttle so transport is totally worry-free from there.

beach at AYANA resort in Bali

AYANA resort in Bali

pool at AYANA resort in Bali

pool at AYANA resort in Bali

The Hotel

Under the AYANA name, you’ve actually got a few different options. There’s the AYANA Resort and The Villas at AYANA. I first visited the resort back in 2011, and this is the first time I’ve been back to check it out.

In the past six years, it’s developed into a massive resort. While I normally prefer smaller, boutique accommodation, AYANA is tasteful and really beautiful.

In fact, AYANA Resort has the most extensive on-site resort facilities anywhere Bali. With an amazing 19 restaurants, 12 swimming pools, and 403 chic rooms, this is the ideal spot to come if you want to stress-free place that will give you everything at your fingertips (and who doesn’t need a vacation like that every so often?).

If you’re in the mood for a more exclusive and intimate experience, I’d recommend The Villas at Ayana. There are 78 massive villas with private pools and 24-hour butler service.

And, when I say this place is luxe, I mean seriously luxe. Over the last 60 years, fewer than 175 resorts in the world have received a 5-star rating from Forbes Travel Guide and this impressive place has made the list.

room at ayana resort in bali

blonde at ayana resort in Bali

bathroom at ayana resort in bali

The Rooms

At the AYANA Resort, you’ve got the option between club rooms (515 sq ft) and suites (1054 sq ft), both offering either an ocean or garden view.

All of the rooms feature four-poster canopy beds, marble bathrooms, and balconies while the suites feature a separate living area, two full bathrooms, oversized balconies, and a deep stand-alone soaking bathtub.

I staying in an ocean view suite at the AYANA Resort and the view of the Indian Ocean was incredible.

A massive space full of little luxury touches, it felt more like a home than a hotel room.

drinks at AYANA resort in Bali

seafood, AYANA resort in Bali

The Food

With 19 restaurants, you won’t go hungry at the AYANA Resort. Specializing in steak and ultra fresh seafood, DAVA is good for dinner and the Rock Bar is definitely a must-see too.

It has a striking sunset view plus tasty tapas and Mediterranean food. In addition, they’ve also got Mexican, Italian, Japanese, and pretty much any other international and Balinese cuisine you might be in the mood for.

Their nearby sister property, RIMBA, is really cool as well. They’ve got a lovely Sunday brunch and a Rooftop Bar & Restaurant with Mexican food and cocktails.

pool and sun at AYANA resort in Bali


You could have a dream vacation without ever leaving the AYANA Resort. That said, the surrounding area of Uluwatu is worth exploring. If you’re a surfer, this place is heaven.

Ever since the 70s, Uluwatu has been popular with travelers looking for epic waves. If you’re a pro, check out Padang Padang Left. Newbies and intermediates should stick with Padang Padang Right.

The other big thing in the area is Uluwatu Temple or the Pura Luhur Uluwatu as the locals call it. It’s got a picture perfect location on top of a dramatic cliff.

It’s also packed with monkeys- and watch out for them! They are famous for stealing tourists’ stuff and, often, these smart guys demand you give them fruit if you want to get your stuff back.


Shop my Bali style essentials!

READ NEXT: The Ultimate Bali Travel Guide


Thanks to AYANA Resort and Spa Bali for hosting me during my stay. As always, thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Staying at the AYANA Resort and Spa in Bali is a post from: The Blonde Abroad

from The Blonde Abroad